Its been a nice last full week in 2L. It was great to have so many parents at the leavers assembly and Monday and the class were rightly very proud of their performance. Every member of the class said their lines really well and hopefully showed just how much they have grown during their time at Victoria Park Infants. This week we also had another visit to the junior school to watch the Year 6 performance of Toy Story and the whole class impressed Mr Wilkinson and the junior staff with their behaviour and attitude. It was good for the children to familiarise themselves further with the Junior school staff and site and the class as a whole are definitely ready to progress to year 3.
We carried on with Maths and Literacy this week, continuing our work on digital time and improving our writing. We had a session with Mr Shingler playing foot darts for our PE session this week, talked about how we can help local wildlfie in Science and finished our large scale Paul Klee inspired pictures.
As next week is our last few days in school could you please make sure that any reading books or library books are returned by Thursday.
Have a great weekend.
Mr Logan
We've had a busy week in 2L this week. Lots of practise and preparation for our leaver's assembly on Monday at 9.15. The children have worked very hard and learned lines and dance moves that we hope you will be very impressed with!
I have added three links to the songs we are singing so the children can practise at home if they wish.
In amongst the practise we have found time to look at position and direction in Maths, discussing clockwise and anti clockwise and quarter, half and full turns. We also discussed digital time and how it differs from the analogue clocks we looked at earlier in the year. I have posted a link below to a teaching clock that we have used in class if you wanted to test your child's skills! In literacy we concentrated on improving sentences with correct punctuation, spelling and past and present tenses.
In PE we continued our summer athletics with Mr Shingler and learned how to improve our jumping technique.
Next week will be our last full week in 2L and we have lots of great activities lined up for the children's last days at VPIS including a trip to the Junior school next week to watch their summer production.
Hope to see you at the summer fair on Sunday!
Mr Logan
We have had yet another busy week in 2L! On Wednesday we visited the Junior school so that the children could spend some time with their new teacher Mrs Holmes and get a bit more familiar with the playground and their new classroom. We looked in Year 3's books to get an idea of the standard of work expected in Year 3 and met Mr Wilkinson and other Junior school staff. The children were so well behaved and made a great first impression! We also had Sports Day this week and again the class behaved well and participated with great enthusiasm! It was a proud moment for us all when parents of 2L children finished first, second and third in the parent's race.
As part of our castles topic we made 3D models of Motte and Bailey castles and looked at the role of knights. In Art we used paper to collage a Paul Klee inspired castle picture.
Next week we will continue our preparation for the Junior school by having as assembly with Mr Wilkinson on Tuesday morning and spending the afternoon with Mrs Holmes in her classroom on Thursday.
Just a reminder that next Friday is an inset day, which means we will not be having a spelling test next week. I have provided spellings but the test won't be until the following Friday.
The spellings are : night, knight, blue, blew, hole, whole, because, so, that, or.
Mr Logan
It has been a busy week in 2L this week. In literacy we did work based around the story of Jack and the Beanstalk including character descriptions and devising and presenting news reports about the story. In Maths we worked hard practising times tables in various ways. In topic the class looked at castles in more detail including the Battle of Hastings and how it lead to more castles being built around the country.
We also had a visit from the class' teacher in Year 3 Mrs Holmes. The class each wrote a letter about themselves for Mrs Holmes to take away with her. She was very impressed with what she saw and heard from all of the children. Next Wednesday we will be visiting the junior school site in the morning and seeing the classroom that they will be in in Year 3!
Next Wednesday is sports day in Victoria Park with the Key Stage one session taking place from 1.30. Please see the email for further detail.
Next week's spellings are be, bee, quite, quiet, bare, bear, one, won, son, sun
Mr Logan
Hello and welcome back to our final half term in Year 2! This week we started our new castle topic by looking at the features of different castles, where castles in the UK were built and why and the names of the various parts of castles. Thank you to those who sent in some holiday castle visit information! In Science we considered the various different jobs that are considered scientific and which jobs would suit us and our interests.
In Maths we developed our mental Maths by thinking how to add 9 by adding 10 then taking away one and moving on to adding 19, 29 etc. In Literacy the class wrote about their holidays and considered how to uplevel their sentences with adjectives and adverbs.
This week's spellings are
their, there, they're hear, here, see, sea, to, too two.
Mr Logan
We have reached the end of another half term! The class have worked so hard over the past few weeks and have earned a rest. This week we made crafted lighthouses inspired by The Lighthouse Keeper's lunch as well as spending some time in PHSE lessons thinking about how we look after ourselves. In Literacy the children wrote about a topic they were an 'expert' on and in Maths we looked at the inverse of calculations.
When we return after the holidays our topic will be 'Castles and Knights'. If you happen to be visiting a castle over the holidays please take a photograph and email it over to me so we can share it in class. Any other opportunity to research castles during the break would be great and if the children have anything castle related to share with the class can they please bring it in during the first week.
Hope you have a great break
Mr Logan
In 2L this week we worked very hard to complete our assessments. The whole class worked extremely hard putting in great effort. In the other sessions we have looked at the life cycle of a plant and studied seedlings that we have growing in class. Each member of the class designed their ideal beach town including the features we have been looking at in our topic work. In Art the class looked at the seaside paintings of Turner and attempted to create their own watercolour coastal scene.
As next week is our last week of half term and because the class have worked so hard on their assessments I have decided to not give homework or spellings this week or next. Reading books will still be changed and the children will still be listened to read so please make sure that children come with their reading books each day as usual.
A reminder that next Friday is wear your own clothes day. Each child wearing their own clothes should bring in a 'bottle of something'. Please refer to the PFTA email for any further details. Thanks
Mr Logan.
This week in 2L we have been hard at work completing assessments and thinking about how to use apostrophes in our writing. We had a great afternoon presenting beach safety talks to the reception classes. The class worked in groups to remember what they had learned during their session with the RNLI and made posters which they then took to the hall. Everyone spoke really well and some great acting and performing was also included! Reception were a great audience too. In Art we collaged to create some beach scenes inspired by our visit to Lytham also.
As the whole class have been working so hard on their assessments there won't be any homework this week - but i have provided spellings to learn. This week they are
: Megan’s, Ravi’s, the girl’s, the child’s, the man’s, the woman’s, the school’s, a dog’s, a teacher’s, a postman’s
Thanks Mr Logan
We started this week with a very enjoyable trip to Lytham St Anne's. Despite the wind and cloud, we managed to have an ice cream, go on a miniature railway, play on the beach and visit the RNLI lifeboat station! The whole class enjoyed themselves and behaved really well. We learned about beach safety and how dangerous the job of coastguard can be. It was useful for our topic work to see the different features of a seaside town and learn about rescues at sea.
Please enjoy the photographs from the day that I have posted underneath.
In class we looked at written problem solving and reasoning in Maths and working out whether we should be adding, subtracting, dividing or multiplying.
In Literacy we wrote about our trip to Lytham and how we can make our writing as descriptive as possible using noun phrases and adverbs.
Spellings for next week are can't didn't hasn't shouldn't it's wouldn't couldn't wasn't Mr Mrs.
Mr Logan
This week in 2L we have been making jam sandwiches to help us with our instruction writing, thinking about minutes, hours and days to understand time and learning about life boats and lighthouses in topic work.
On Monday we have our trip to Lytham St Annes. Can we ask that children arrive at school before 9 so that we can get them in and registered and toileted before we get on the coach as soon after 9am as possible. Children should come dressed as they would for a PE day: school jumper, jogging bottoms/leggings and trainers. And a coat! It makes lunchtime easier if children bring their packed lunch in a disposable bag so that we can leave children with as little to carry or remember after lunch. We will be visiting the life boat station and the pier as well as having plenty of time on the beach on our trip and should be arriving back at school in time for normal home time - traffic permitting.
Just a quick note on homework - I have been providing the children with individual worksheets as I do not have many homework folders being returned. Can I ask that children please bring their homework folder in before Wednesday next week so that next week's homework can be placed in their folders.
The spellings for this week are: station fiction motion national section addition subtraction potion option introduction.
Mr Logan
We had another good week of learning this week in 2L! On Monday we had a skipping workshop and discussed the importance of different exercises. Please see the 'Sport' section on the class pages for any photographs/videos of whole school or year group events. In class we worked hard to understand telling the time to 15 minutes. In literacy we continued our work on the lighthouse keeper's lunch and our topic continued with looking at seaside holidays of the past. In ICT we began to work on coding and programming using turtle logo.
Next week we will continue to look at seaside holidays in the UK as we prepare for our trip to Lytham St Anne's next Monday.
Mr Logan
We have had such a busy first week back in 2L! We did experiments with air for our Science week activity, had a visit from professional netball player Shadine Van Merwe, had a scoot fit session and had a fantastic 'quidditch' PE lesson with Mr Shingler. In amongst all of that excitement, the class read the story of The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch and looked at description in the story as well as types of words (adjectives, verbs and nouns) featured in the story. In Maths we worked hard to understand halves, quarters and thirds. For our topic we started to look at features of beaches in the UK in preparation for our trip to Lytham St Anne's. With regards to the trip; it would be helpful to have a couple of parent helpers on the day. If you are interested and available could you please email me by Monday afternoon at JLogan@victoriaparkinf.co.uk
I have provided the class with new spelling books (which are actually surplus handwriting books) I have asked the children to practice neatly writing out their spellings on the page opposite the stuck in sheet so they can practice their handwriting at the same time.
Mr Logan
Hello and welcome back! Hope you all had a good break. Just a quick update that PE will be on Mondays and Fridays this half term. There will still be a girl's football club on Thursday lunchtime and a boy's club on Wednesday lunchtime. I will further update the class page later in the week.
Mr Logan
It has been an action packed last week in 2L. We had cross country, multi sports, bouncy castles and fruit tasting! The children in 2L behaved brilliantly throughout and had a great time at all of the events. Please make sure to look at the sports page on the school website for photos and videos of sporting events.
I have provided some links to online resources to access during the break focusing on times tables and punctuation and grammar.
I hope you have a lovely break,
Mr Logan
This week in 2L we worked hard writing stories based around our session with the comic artist last week. There were some amazingly imaginative stories and descriptions! In Maths we refreshed our arithmetic skills and looked at the inverse in times tables. For topic we discussed the importance of the rainforest and why we should protect it and in Science we measured and described how our plants had grown over the past week.
Next Wednesday years 1 and 2 will be going to a cross country event at the Junior school. They should dress for PE for the event and bring a water bottle. The event will be straight after lunch so there is no need to bring a a snack and the children will be back at school in time for home time.
Next Thursday morning we have a multi skills session at Stretford Lesiure centre that all of the class will attend. The children should come dressed for PE with a drink and a small snack. They will be back at school in time for lunch.
Please complete the permission slips and return them to school by Tuesday.
Spellings for next week are : television, treasure, usual, division, vision, pleasure, measure, occasion, usually, leisure.
Mr Logan
Another very busy week in 2L! On Wednesday we had a comic artist come to visit. We had a wonderful session in the hall drawing and being creative. On Thursday it was world book day and in amongst all of the amazing costumes and excitement we managed to talk about our favourite books and visit the library to do a book ‘scavenger hunt’. The class all worked really hard to make Mother’s Day cards during the afternoons. We have been doing assessments this week to make sure we have a good picture of where the class are up to and all of the children have worked really hard and shown just how capable they all are. I look forward to seeing you at parent’s evening this week. If you haven’t had chance to book an appointment please remember that the booking closes on Tuesday. Thanks.
Mr Logan.
It has been great to get back to work with 2L, they have all worked hard this week and been very welcoming. We have been looking at units of measure (grams, kilograms, litres and millilitres) in Maths and solving problems featuring these measures. In English we read the story 'Meerkat Mail' about the adventures of a Meerkat who visits family in different parts of the world. We then wrote postcards and stories using the book as inspiration. In Science we looked at the Eden Project in Cornwall and how it manages to grow plants from around the world. We then built our own greenhouses and planted seeds to see how well they grow compared to seeds planted outside of a 'greenhouse'. In Art we looked at the work of Yayoi Kusama and drew pictures inspired by her polka dots.
Spellings this week are:
other, money, mother, cover, brother, honey, nothing, discover, Monday, wonder.
Mr Logan
This week in Year 2 we have been learning about Mrs Chippy the cat who the crew of the Endurance took with them on their expedition. We then wrote a description of their time on the ship and what they might have seen and felt. In Maths we looked at making equal groups of amounts and how that helps us to understand our times tables. In topic the class shared their research that they had completed for homework. Everyone made a great contribution and some of the powerpoints were very professional!
In Art we looked at the colourful landscapes of Ted Harrison and produced some excellent oil pastel arctic landscape shapes.
The spellings for next week are
patting, patted, humming, hummed, dropping, dropped, sadder, saddest, runner, runny
Mr Logan
Another great week of learning in 2L. We came to the end of our Maths work on money and seem to have a good grasp on different coins, notes and change. In literacy we have spent time practicing our reading comprehension and descriptive writing. In our topic work we learned about Ernest Shackleton, his journey on the Endurance and how he rescued all of his crew who were stranded on ice. In Art we completed our Northern Lights artwork and they look fantastic
The homework task for this week is to research an animal that lives in one of the polar regions. I would like to know what the animal eats, where it lives, how it hunts for food, if it migrates and how it copes in cold conditions and any other interesting facts. The research can be presented in any format – including writing in the on the homework sheet. Anything that the children might want to share electronically can be emailed to me JLogan@victoriaparkinf.co.uk The research will be shared in class on Wednesday 31st January so needs to be completed by then.
Spellings this week are: hiking, hiked, hiker, nicer, nicest, shiny, being, shining, scary, scaring.
Thanks, Mr Logan
This week the weather matched up perfectly with our Polar regions topic! We took the opportunity to look at how the snow had changed the landscape and we also made sure we enjoyed it whilst it lasted. In class we read the story of 'The Snow Queen' and took time in describing her palace when beginning to rewrite the story. In Maths our money work moved onto notes and making the same amount in different ways with different coins. We looked at the journeys of explorers such as Shackleton, Scott, Matthew Henson and Felicity Aston and thought about the similarities and differences in their journeys. In PE we had a great gymnastics session that featured some cheerleading exercises.
This week the spellings to learn are:
copying, replying, carrying, trying, skiing, crying, marrying, flying, drying, taxiing.
Mr Logan
This week we had our trip to Chill Factore and the children all behaved brilliantly and had a wonderful time. After getting changed and listening to a safety talk all of the class got stuck into all of the activities. After the activities in the snow we spent the afternoon doing polar based craft activities and again the children had a great time.
Back at school we continued learning about the Arctic and the Antarctic and the similarities and differences between the two. We wrote about our time at Chill Factore and in Maths we looked at using coins to make amounts of money.
I have re-started homework and spellings this week. Homework will be due in on Tuesday and given out on Wednesday and spellings will be given and tested on Fridays.
This week the spellings are : copier, copied, happier, happiest, cried, replied, tried, dried, driest, funnier
Mr Logan
Happy New Year! It's been a short first week back but the children have settled back into routines quickly and have enjoyed being back in each other's company. We started work this week on our new topic 'The Polar regions' and began by looking at the continents of the world and where the polar regions are. We will be looking at money in Maths for the next week so if there are any opportunities at home or at the shops for children to familiarise themselves with coins that would be beneficial!
PE has moved this half term to Monday (Dance) and Tuesday (Gymnastics), There will still be optional girl's football club on Thursday and boy's football club on Wednesday lunchtimes.
Next week we have our trip to Chilll Factore on Tuesday. Can children please come to school wearing warm and comfortable clothes and with a packed lunch in a disposable carrier as suggested on the permission letter. It would be helpful if children knew their shoe size so that we can quickly get them the correct sized snow boots on arrival rather than looking in each child's shoe to check! Children will also be provided with snow suits and helmets. It will be a fantastic experience! If you have any queries please feel free to email me or see me before or after school on Monday.
Mr Logan
Just a quick note to wish you all a happy Christmas and New Year. Thank you for your gifts and contributions to the class party fund. We celebrated with a party on Monday and hot chocolate, popcorn and a film on Tuesday.
See you all in the New Year.
Thanks again
Mr Logan
This week has flown by in 2L. The whole class performed amazingly in both nativity performances with fantastic singing and delivery of lines. Everyone behaved really well to ensure that getting ready and getting into position went as smoothly as possible! Performances aside the class have been getting into the festive spirit with festive maths and literacy as well as Christmas crafts.
Thank you all so much for your donations for the Christmas party on Monday. Children can come to school in party clothes on Monday.
Thanks again
Mr Logan
Another very busy week in 2L this week, with lots of nativity practice fitted in around in class learning.
Thanks to all of the family and friends who sponsored a member of 2L to complete the Santa Dash, we had a great time and raised lots of money for new equipment. Please see the 'Sporting Events' section on the class pages for some photographs of the event.
This coming week we have our nativity performances on Wednesday and Thursday and the children are very excited for you to see all of the hard work they have put into the show!
Homework or spellings will not be given until after Christmas but reading books should still be brought in and we will try to make sure books are changed before the holiday in amongst all of the other activities happening in school.
Mr Logan
We've had a great week in 2L again this week. We had a visit from local fire fighters who gave a talk in class and then allowed the children to see the fire engine and the equipment. Everyone had the chance to spray the hose! On a similar theme we created a mini Great Fire of London in the playground. We made card houses in the style of 1666 and lined them up closely, recreating the packed streets of London, and watched how the fire spread quickly from building to building with the help of the wind. Back in class we wrote about our 'mini' Great fire and continued working on our Maths and reading as usual. We have been very busy practicing our nativity performance and it is getting better each time! If your child has lines to learn could you please practice them over the weekend? Any additional practice is always helpful.
The spellings this week are: find, mind, behind, old, cold, gold, hold, told, every, everybody.
Mr Logan
What a wonderful week in 2L. We started the week with our exhibition at Stretford Public Hall. The class were very excited to share their work with an audience and they should all be very proud of their fantastic drawings. Thanks to the parents who were able to make it and I have been told that the exhibition will be in place until after the Public Hall have their Christmas fair, so plenty of opportunity for it to be seen by a bigger audience. Back in class we continued to learn about the Great Fire of London and in particular the life of Samuel Pepys. In Maths we looked at symmetry and lines of symmetry in 2D shapes. We also spent time learning the songs for our nativity performance in December.
The spellings for next week are : cry, fly, dry, try, reply, sly, shy, terrify, sky, multiply.
Mr Logan
We had another great week in Year 2 this week with lots of different learning happening. We wrote stories about the great fire of London, developed new subtraction skills and thought about uses for different materials in Science. In Topic we made some model Great Fire of London houses out of card and talked about how the houses would have been very close together helping the fire to spread quickly. We have started practising songs for our upcoming Nativity performance and the children discovered their roles in the show.
We have our Lowry exhibition at the Lowry on Monday. The children's work should be up for at least a week should any family members want to pop in for a look.
The spellings for the week are : pencil, fossil, nostril, pupil, metal, pedal, capital, hospital, animal, oval.
Mr Logan
We've had another good week of learning this week in 2L.
Firstly I'd like to thank the parents who attended parents evening this week, I hope it gave some insight as to what happens in school each day.
Next Monday is 'Odd Socks Day' as it is the start of national anti bullying week. Children should wear their normal school uniform with odd socks if they wish.
Next Friday is Children in Need and the theme this year is spots. Please refer to Mrs Walkden's email this week for further details.
I mentioned to parents at parent's evening that the class would be having an exhibition of their Lowry artwork at Stretford Public Hall. A date for this has been confirmed now and on Monday 20th November at 2pm we will be inviting parents to come and meet the class at the public hall for an exhibition 'launch'. I will be sending an email next week confirming the details but thought I would share the date and time now to add to the diary.
The spellings for this week are camel tunnel squirrel travel towel tinsel bagel hazel vowel jewel.
Mr Logan
We had a good start to the half term in 2L this week. We started our topic on the Great Fire of London and thought about how life was different back in 1666 and learned how the fire started. In Science we started to look at different materials and their uses and had some great PE lessons with the whole class involved in dancing, football and accuracy in throwing and catching.
I have been asked to share and encourage all parents to click on the link below to complete the survey. For every survey that's completed we receive £10 of sports equipment.
Also gentle reminder that earrings should not be worn on PE days. We are no longer allowed to cover earrings so please remove before school. Removing in class time has resulted in lost earrings and children unable to take them out themselves at such a young age. Many thanks for your support with this.
The spellings for next week are table, apple, bottle, little, middle, able, wobble, multiple, dazzle riddle.
Mr Logan
We have reached the end of a fantastic first half term in 2L! It has been a pleasure to get to know the children and they have settled into routines and expectations in Year 2 really well. We have enjoyed a wide range of activities and developed our maths and literacy skills.
This week's Harvest festival assembly was excellent and thanks to all of the parents who attended. The children worked really hard to write poems, learn songs and remember their lines.
I have posted some links below to relevant activities that could be accessed during the break. The children have played 'Hit the Button' in class and it helps with recall of the times tables.
I hope you have an enjoyable half term holiday.
Mr Logan
We've had another great week in 2L. We have been busy writing amazing autumnal poems and reading autumn poetry. In Maths we looked at number fact families and number bonds. In our Topic lessons we continued our Lowry studies by adding colour to our fantastic Lowry inspired pictures. We have also been practising our singing in preparation for the Harvest Festival next week.
The spellings this week are : door floor again wild children climb parents most only both
Mr Logan
We have had a good week of learning in 2L this week. We have written information texts about Manchester and things that you can do here, we have continued work on place value and started to look at 2, 5 and 10 times tables. We thought about how numbers in the 2 times tables are even numbers and how that can help us to remember them.
Please use this link to access the White Rose 'One Minute Maths' to further develop times table and arithmetic skills at home. The 3 word code you will be asked to enter is ' "del sub gip"
Also this week we started to learn our Harvest song for our Harvest Assembly in a few weeks and continued to develop our own Lowry pictures in Art. In Science we looked at what different animals need to survive and we were fortunate enough to have a visit from Stretford Children's Theatre. The whole class really enjoyed the session.
This week's spellings are:
gem giant magic giraffe energy jacket jar jog join adjust
Thanks, Mr Logan
This week we went on our trip to the city centre on the tram. We had a fantastic time and the whole class behaved perfectly. A big 'thank you' to the parent helpers who made the trip easier! Back in class we did lots of writing about our trip and looked at pictures and videos showing the changes in Manchester's buildings, transport and fashion.
We will be continuing to look at the history of Manchester throughout next week too.
I have attached photographs of the trip below.
The spellings for next week are: race, ice, cell, city, fancy, face, space, bicycle, circle, spicy.
Mr Logan
We've had another good week in 2L this week. The whole class has been hard at work developing Maths partitioning skills and learning to edit writing. Editing is a great skill to have and encourages the children to take responsibility for their own work. This is one of many aspects of year 2 that encourages independence. The class continued their work on Lowry and started to develop their own drawings inspired by his work. The results were fantastic and the children enjoyed sharing and discussing their work as part of the lesson!
With regards to the spelling test on Fridays - the children are provided with new spellings to stick into their spelling books to learn for the following week. I always put the spellings on the class page to make sure that if the book is lost or forgotten that you can still practice them. This week they are write written wrote wrong wrap wrist wreck wrestle wriggle wren.
On Tuesday we have our trip on the tram into Manchester. Thank you for returning the consent forms and thanks to those who are available to volunteer. We will leave school just after 9. When we arrive we will look at the Emmaline Pankhurst statue, walk up to Manchester Art Gallery and have a look at some Lowry paintings. It will be a short trip and a snack will be provided - there is no need to send your child in with anything they wouldn't normally bring to school. We will be back for lunchtime.
Mr Logan
Please find above the link to the powerpoint that I shared at the meet the teacher meeting.
Also, here are two Maths resources that you may find useful
We've had a great week in 2L this week - continuing our hard work in Maths and Literacy and learning about Emmaline Pankhurst and the suffragettes as part of our Manchester topic. We also spent some time looking at the work of L S Lowry and attempting to use charcoal to recreate a small section of one of his artworks.
In Science, the class harvested apples and made and drank apple juice! They learned about pollenation and the importance of bees in helping fruit production. Thanks to Mrs Hart for her hard work!
I have provided each child with a spelling book with spellings to learn for next Friday. I have also given out homework which should be returned by Tuesday.
On Tuesday there will be a Meet the Teacher session in class at 4pm. This will be an opportunity to find out a bit more about what your child will be working on during the year. Any information I share on the evening will be available on the class page later that week if you cant make it. We ask that you don't bring your children to these sessions.
Mr Logan
Its been a great first week in 2L for the whole class! We have spent time getting to know each other and the expectations we have in class in year 2 as well as beginning to look at our topic of Manchester. We began by looking at Stretford and the local area, how we all get to school and the routes we take. We also talked about Manchester and any famous landmarks or people we could remember. In Maths we have focused on place value and in Literacy we have written about our summer holidays.
Next week I will be providing the class with homework and spellings. Homework will be given out on Wednesday and should be handed in by the following Monday. Spellings will be given on a Friday.
On Tuesday the 19th of September there will be a 'Meet the Teacher' session at 4pm. This will be an opportunity for me to to introduce myself properly and to outline the learning and expectations in Year 2 as well as answer any questions about the coming year. There is no need to confirm attendance and a reminder will be sent closer to the time.
Again, any queries please email me or see me after school.
Mr Logan
Hello and welcome to 2L! It has been a pleasure getting to know the children so far this week. We've spent time in class getting used to routines and generally settling in to Year 2 life. In terms of books and home reading, the children's books will be given out this week and changed weekly. Children should make sure to bring their reading folders in each day and put them in the reading slots outside of the classroom. PE will be on Thursdays (Football) and Fridays (Mr Shingler) this half term. I will be available on the playground before and after school most days if you have any queries.
I will be updating this page weekly on a Friday with news about the learning we have done in class as well as any relevant information for the following week.
Finally, my email address is JLogan@victoriaparkinf.co.uk. I will do my best to respond within 48 hours to any emails.
Mr Logan