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Reminder School Closes Thursday 24th October at 3pm. We welcome all pupils back on Monday 4th November 2024

W/b 4th October

Hello, happy Saturday everybody!


Your children continue to be super stars and are becoming more confident as each week passes by. We have had yet another busy week in school of learning, having fun and enjoying playing with friends.

 As we continue to work through our Floppy's Phonics the children are engaging well and learning new sounds. This week we have learnt i and n. We have now learnt s, a, t, p, i and n which means we can now learn how to blend these sounds together to read 3 letter words. The children have also practised forming the upper and lowercase letters correctly and listening to where about in a word they can hear the sound. Please continue to complete the homework sheets and use the sound tiles at home. This will really help to reinforce your child's learning within phonics.

Continuing with our topic 'Good To Be Me' we have discussed healthy and unhealthy foods and the importance of eating the right amount of both. This lead on to discussing what is important to help keep ourselves healthy. The children have a good knowledge about the importance of eating healthy, personal hygiene, exercise and getting plenty of sleep.

In maths we have continued our work on comparing amounts, lengths and heights. Next week we will begin to look at pattern. Pattern within the environment and repeating patterns.

The children have continued to impress the PE coaches with their fab behaviour and great listening skills. I think we may have some budding gymnasts and footballers in Reception 1!

As Friday was a nice sunny day, we were able to have our school celebration in the playground with all the classes. We had no birthdays to celebrate in Reception 1, but we do have a new medal winner. This week the medal was awarded to Felix. Felix could be our medal winner every week as he is hard working, kind and caring towards his friends and others and is also happy and smiling. Well, this week Felix has continued to do all of this whilst having his arm in a cast. He has made no fuss and continued as normal. Well done Felix!!

Making the most of the Friday afternoon sun we had a disco in the playground. The children thoroughly enjoyed boogying and singing along to the music.

The children enjoyed making autumn trees this week by using their fingers to paint the autumn coloured leaves on the trees. We will continue to complete these next week.


Just a little reminder - It is individual photographs on Tuesday 12th October. Please make sure your child has their best smiles with them.


Please can you pass on the information about this class page to any parents who might not know about it or where to find it.

Thank you for your continued patience and support. Miss Edwards and I really appreciate it.

Enjoy having a look through this weeks photos


I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Spooner x
