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Reminder - School closes at 3pm Friday 14th February 2025 and will open again on Monday 24th February 2025 at 9am.

Wednesday 10/2

Hello 2F welcome to another well-being Wednesday. We will be continuing with our Maths and English work but in the afternoon please choose an activity which makes you feel good! 
1 Hello hello from the Bridgewater Canal


2 Wake up your body this morning with Mrs Murphy 


Still image for this video

3 Marvellous maths

Today we start to look more carefully at 2D shapes and exploring their properties. On Monday we looked at some symmetry of shapes and yesterday on the vertices and sides of each regular shape. 

Try and stand facing something in your room. Can you do a full turn? Can you do a half turn? Can you do a quarter turn? Can you do a 3/4 turn?

4 English 

Let’s start with a spelling test of all the days of the week. Can you spell them all? Practice any you can’t spell straight away! If you find this easy practice the months of the year! 

The next part of today’s English lesson is a comprehension about the Inuit people. Please choose a level that’s right for you. The hardest one will contain the most facts. Try this one and if you struggle try another. I know you are all amazing readers!! 

5 Well-being Wednesday afternoon is here again. 
Choose an activity that makes you feel good! 
Last week I really enjoyed doing these activities with the children in school. 
Look at the Well-being Wednesday icon on children class pages and choose which one you would like to do! 

6 I’d like you finish today with a song it’s a fun song and it’s one that makes us feel happy sing along and join in! 
