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Reminder - School closes at 3pm Friday 14th February 2025 and will open again on Monday 24th February 2025 at 9am.

Week 3

Hello R2 Families

We have had a lovely week, as the children continue to settle into routines and new experiences, well done children and thank you grown ups for helping to prepare themyes


We have been enjoying Floppy's Phonics and have learnt about 's' and 'a'. Everyone has had the consolidation (homework) sheets home and I hope that you enjoy getting on board with your child's reading journey by working together at home on the things that we learn in class. Remember! New homework sheets will come home on Friday and this week's sheets will be marked. In maths we have been matching and sorting objects using different criteria. We have really enjoyed reading the book 'Marvellous Me!' the first from our 'Think Equal' PSHE programme. We looked in mirrors at our beautiful faces and discussed the shades of our skin and the colour of our eyes and hair, the children were so careful, thoughtful and really took time and care with their fabulous portraits. 


Next week we'll learn 't' and 'p' in Floppy's Phonics. In maths we'll create rules for sorting using Mrs Cook's button box and natural objects and begin to look at comparing amounts into 'more' and 'fewer'.


In our topic work we'll begin to look at special people in our lives and have a think about the grown ups around school and what they do for all the boys and girls in our school every day. We'll talk about our families too, the most special people of all and share some lovely books which celebrate different kinds of families. All of this as well as lots of playing inside and outside!


I hope that you're having a lovely weekend everyone and I hope that you enjoy the photos!


Mrs Cook xxx
