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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.

Week 7

Dear Reception 2 Families

What a wonderful Christmas week we have had! The children have been giddy as kippers! Thanks so much for joining us for Carols in the Snow! The children loved having you there as part of it and I'm sure that you will agree that they all performed beautifully. The children have been busy creating and making Christmas crafts to bring home to you - such special treasures heart Thank you to our amazing PTFA for providing us with yummy hot chocolate and popcorn, which was very well received during Christmas Panto time! We had an awesome Christmas party, all thanks to your kind donations that enabled us to provide the children with some lovely treats!

It has been the most peculiar term, with school life being so different to what we know and love. This said though, one thing has been a constant - the children! They bring such energy, resilience, enthusiasm, smiles and humour with them every day, managing all that life has thrown at them so gracefully. 

I hope that the following photos have captured for you, the happiness and fun that we have had together throughout our lovely Christmas week...

It's time now for some well earned rest for everybody. Hunker down, enjoy some lovely food, have fun together and keep safe heart Myself and Miss Hodgson are so proud of you all and we'll be waiting at the gate with smiles and a big warm welcome when we see in our new Spring Term. 



Thank you so much for your wonderful Christmas gifts, we are very grateful -

love from Mrs Cook and Miss Hodgson x x


