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Reminder - School closes at 3pm Friday 14th February 2025 and will open again on Monday 24th February 2025 at 9am.

Week 1 week beginning 25th April

Good morning everybody.

The children have come back to school after the holidays with a spring in their step. 

We have had a busy week of learning, playing, planting and PE.

In phonics this week we have been learning the 'nk' sound as in ink and 'ai' as in aim. The children are doing a great job of remembering their sounds and the helpful words. They are also remembering to use their sound knowledge in their writing.

In literacy/topic we have shared a lovely book called Once Their Were Giants which is about growing up. Thank you for the beautiful baby photos that you sent to me. The children have used them this week to think about what they could do when they were babies and what they can do know. We talked about what the children would like to do when they are grown ups. The children had many different ideas.

Miss Edwards and I have been impressed with the children's number recognition this week. The children have recognised the numerals to 20 and correctly matched a number of pictures with the correct numeral. They are confident counting forwards and we continue to practise counting back from 20.

At the beginning of the week the children planted some wild flower seeds outside as part of our work on growth. The children know what they need to do to look after the seeds, so, fingers crossed we will begin to see some shoots growing soon.

In PE this week we had our football session outside which the children enjoyed and took part in team races with an athletics theme with Mr Shingler.

Miss Myles took R1 to our school library on Thursday to introduce them to the environment and how to use the library. The children will visit the library on a Thursday during the summer term and will loan a book of their choice.

Please ensure that the books are looked after and that it is returned to school on Thursday. If your child does not return the library book on a Thursday, they will not be able to choose another book.

Due to the dry weather this week the children have enjoyed outdoor play. The baby dolls were given a bath, we played snakes and ladders, fantastic models were built and we enjoyed playing with the house and figures. Fingers crossed for a dry week next week to enable us to do more of our learning and playing outside.


PE sessions will be back to Wednesday and Thursday next week.


I hope you all have a lovely bank holiday weekend and happy Eid Mubarak to those families who are celebrating.


Take care

Mrs Spooner x
