Timetable for Monday
1 Hello and Good morning
2 Maths of the day
3 English
4 Topic
5 Story/music time
1 Picture of the day
Today's picture of the day will help us focus on being amazing! The picture is right we don’t need to be perfect to be amazing! You are all superstars and doing your very best! Well done!
2 Maths
Today we start by singing along to the times tables songs
Extension task
How many 3 digit numbers can you make that come between 100 and 300? use your yellow book to record. Can you find 10? 100?
3 English Work
Play the game
Can you complete the sentences?
Play Karate Cats English Game For Kids | Free Online Spelling Games - BBC Bitesize
Can you write a few sentences to tell me something that you have enjoyed doing this holiday? What was the best toy that you played with? Did you go for a walk or a scooter or a bike ride? Did you enjoy watching a film or your favourite TV programme?
Can you use capital letters and full stops? Can you use your best handwriting? Can you send your writing to Mrs Gill?
4 Topic work
Today we will be having our dance and music topic lessons.
Here is Mrs Murphy and the dance lesson. When we get back to school we will be dancing to all the dances she has made especially for our children.
5 Music Programme
Let's continue from where we left off and the next part of the musical adventure.