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Week beginning 13th April 2020

Use a range of craft materials to make butterflies, frogs, ducks and birds.

Children love junk model making, perhaps they could use egg boxes to make a frog a bit like this one.



Make your own everlasting playdough.  Use the playdough to make ducks, frogs, birds and butterflies.

Here is the recipe we use in school; if kept in an airtight container it will last a long time.


1 cup of plain flour

half a cup of salt

 2 teaspoons of cream of tartar

 2 table spoons of oil

 1 cup of water

A few drop of food colouring


Mix all the ingredient together in a pan, cook over medium-heat, stirring constantly.
Continue stirring until the dough has thickened and begins to form into a ball. 
Allow to cool and then it will be ready.

There are lots of other recipes on line that don’t involve heating and cooking that you could try but we always use this one as it lasts a long time!
