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Reminder School Closes Thursday 24th October at 3pm. We welcome all pupils back on Monday 4th November 2024

Autumn 2

Our Year One Curriculum Update will give you an overview of our learning for the half term and some ideas of how you can help at home.

Week beginning 12/12/2022


What a busy, fun-packed week we have had. 

In maths, the children have been focussing on teen numbers and their number facts. 

In science, we have continued work on the five senses- the children have drawn pictures to show which body part is used for each sense. Did the children tell you all about the crisp tasting last week?! I wish I would’ve captured some of their facial expressions when they tried salt and vinegar! Hilarious! 

In D/T the children designed and made their boats. The challenge was for the boats to float for 10 seconds! Some very successful designs and good opportunity for learning when some of the boats toppled over. The children were really mature if it didn’t go to plan! Very well done all! Great team work too! 

On Wednesday we had the panto! The children sat beautifully and watched their version of Robin Hood. With thanks to the PFTA for organising, it was a wonderful experience for them. 


Our Christmas party was so much fun on Thursday. We played pass the parcel, musical statues and musical bumps and then had some tasty snacks! Huge thanks for your contributions that made the party happen! 


We have had a great half term in 1C and hope the children have made some lovely memories. 

Many thanks for the lovely pictures cards and treats the children have sent in for us- really thoughtful and kind- thank you. 


Wishing you all a happy, restful and peaceful Christmas. Best wishes,

Mrs Nichol and Miss Ryde xxx 


See you in January 1C 🥰 x 


Our Christmas party! 🎉🎉🎉

Next week

Mop-up flu vaccines are on Monday.

On Wednesday, it’s Christmas dinner day and the children can come to school wearing a Christmas jumper. We will also be watching a pantomime.

On Thursday it’s Christmas party day and the children can come to school dressed in their party clothes. Please remember that they will still be playing outside during the day, so please ensure they have something warm to wear and have suitable shoes on their feet. We will provide the food and drink, prizes and will play games. If possible, please could we ask for a donation towards the cost and we will collect it on Monday morning. All food will be suitable for a vegetarian diet but if your child has any other dietary requirements, please see Miss Ryde on Monday morning. Many thanks for supporting us to have so many lovely things in school.

Christmas Play

We are so proud of the children in 1C. Performing to an audience is certainly not easy, and even more difficult when it’s to family and you’re 5/6. The children did a great job at their camel song and dance and a massive well done to them for sitting still until it was their turn to perform. 
Our talking camels oozed confidence and were so funny! Huge well done to the two girls who stood in at the last minute on the second day- they were amazing! 
Lovely poise form the kings and pages! 

Will you get the song out of your head?! When you’ve got camels, who needs a car?! Indeed! 


Well done 1C. You were brilliant! 


PE kit 

PE lessons are now finished until January so your child doesn’t need to come in their kit on Wednesday or Thursday. 

Week beginning 28/11/2022


The festivities continue in 1C. We have our Christmas tree up and our class advent calander. The children have been working really hard on their songs and dance for the Christmas play; perhaps you've had a sneak peak at home! 


In English, the children have used the past tense to describe how the Gruffalo's Child moves. They have also written a detailed character description for her. 


In maths, the children have tackled word problems, using their subtraction learning to answer them. 


In art and inspired by surrealist artist Joan Miro, the children have created their own clay tiles. 




Shout out for small plastic items- needed for next Friday. 


Please could the children (except speaking camels, kings and pages) bring in a dark coloured T-shirt and some dark trousers/ leggings/ joggers in a labelled bag. Please could the two female pages bring in black leggings. Could these items be in for Monday 5th December. 


We can't wait for the play and look forward to seeing you there! 


Have a great weekend! 







Week beginning 21/11/2022

We’re feeling festive in 1C as we prepare for the Christmas play. Apologies if the children have come home with paint stained fingers, all for a lovely reason! 

In English, the learning has been based on The Gruffalo! There have been some beautiful pieces of work describing the woods setting. The children also made a list of The Gruffalo’s favourite food which included them having to imagine some new dishes, from squirrel soup to hedgehog candy canes! 😲🤣👌🏻 Wonderful imaginative writing! 

In maths, we have continued looking at subtraction, using the head and hand method and subtracting using a number line. 

Plastics and other materials- call out for some small plastics- e.g. empty yoghurt pot, butter carton. 
Children will be making boats in the next few weeks, with the goal that it floats. 


Another lovely week. 


Have a nice weekend! 😃 


Week beginning 14/11/2022


The children looked great in their yellows on Friday! Thank you for your participation and donations. 

Well done to the children who got their flu vaccines this week; they did so without any fuss. 

In English, we have continued with the story Peace at Last. The children have sequenced the story and re-told it in their own words. They also designed beautiful posters showing the cheeky nocturnal animals that were keeping Mr Bear awake!  

In maths, we have secured our learning in addition and moved onto looking at subtraction. We have looked at how the two link together when using the part-whole model. 

In science, we have looked at how animals adapt to the cold weather. We have learnt about hibernation and where different animals go into their deep sleep for the winter. 


Very excited for the next few weeks ahead! 

Have a great weekend. 😃



Reminders for a busy week ahead! 

Monday- Odd socks day! The children can wear odd socks with their uniform to celebrate differences and present a sense of uniqueness! This is part of national Anti-Bullying Week.

Wednesday - flu vaccinations. 

Friday - children can come to school in their own clothes wearing something yellow to celebrate Friendship Friday and we are also using this as a day to raise funds for our brilliant PFTA.

Week beginning 7/11/22


It was lovely to see so many of you at parents' evening and to share with you how well the children are doing. We hope you liked browsing their books. 


This week in English, we have looked at the book Peace at Last. The children have been able to retell the story, describe the characters in the book and use some verbs/ adverbs in their writing. 


In maths, we continue to look at addition within 10. We have been using a call and response to embed the learning of their number bonds to 10. 


Call (10 is made of 0 and 10)    Response (10 and 0 make 10)

Call (10 is made of 1 and 9)      Response (9 and 1 make 10)

Call (10 is made of 2 and 8)      Response (8 and 2 make 10)

etc, etc. 

Your child will be able to say the response confidently- they have enjoyed practising! 

Using a part-whole model, we have been completing missing number sums, e.g. 4 + ? = 10. 


In History, the children have looked at Remembrance day and the children respectfully took part in a 2 minutes silence on Friday. 


In PHSE, we have been talking about and celebrating differences between us and our friends. 


A lovely week of learning. 


Have a great weekend!

Mrs Nichol :-) 









Individual photographs are on Thursday 10th November. As this is our PE day, please can the children wear their yellow t-shirt/ green sweater or cardigan on top and joggers/ leggings/ trainers/ pumps ready for PE on the lower half.

Week beginning 31/10/22


We have had a lovely week back; the children have come in ready and fresh for their learning. 


In English, we have been looking at poetry. The children used describing words to write about fireworks and performed a related poem by Paris Tomlinson-Womack. They went on to write  their own version of A Dark, Dark Wood. 


We have been very impressed by the children's work in maths this week. They have been learning all about part-whole models and fact families. E.G. 


                      5 + 3 = 8   

                      3 + 5 = 8 

                      8 = 5 + 3

                      8 = 3 + 5 



 The children enjoyed learning about local artist Frances Lennon and discussing which painting was their favorite. History was linked to Bonfire Night this week with The Gunpowder Plot being the focus. 


In science, we continue our work looking at the seasons. The children drew pictures of suitable clothes for summer and winter. 


A very good week. 


We look forward to seeing you at parents' evening next week. Have a lovely weekend and wrap up warm if attending displays- brrrrr! 


Mrs Nichol :-) 



Parents' Evening 

Appointment times for Wednesday will go out on Monday 7th. 

Appointment times for Thursday have gone out today (4th). 


