Week ending 24/3
Thank you for all attending parents evening this week it was great to see you all again. It was lovely to see the parents enjoying their child’s work and especially the progress from September. Thank you for writing back to your child there was a huge air of excitement as they enjoyed reading them!
I’m so proud of the children’s efforts in class and at home.
As I promised to some of the parents who asked I have issued some extra comprehensions for the children to practice. Please encourage your child to read their reading books more independently and if possible please can you try some of the comprehensions.
For math’s homework this week I have set a challenge. The children have had instructions of what to do and I’ve set 10 quick questions per night to encourage the children to recognise the signs of all 4 operations. Secondly there is a shape quiz which we have been practising and have had fun all chanting the answers this week in school. You will be amazed!
Our rain forest topic has continued in both English, science and PSHE as we have been looking at environmental issues and how man is destroying some of the forests chopping down trees to build houses. The children have been completed some influential writing about the environmental issues.
We have been looking at rainforest animals and the layers of the rainforest. We have all found the topic very interesting.
In PE we have been looking at shooting skills in football with Steve and Sam and javelin throwing in athletics with Mr Shingler.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Week ending 17/3
A busy week exploring the rainforest in class. We have enjoyed recapping on our geography knowledge of continents and oceans in the world.
In maths we have been securing addition and subtraction methods and it really would be helpful to complete the maths homework in the set method.
Apologies for the missed spelling test this week but due to strike days in school we had the pleasure of different teaching assistants and will catch up next week. Our Mother’s Day cards were carefully designed and the made so it took us a little longer than expected and the spellings were left until next week. We hope you love them and they were worth the amazing effort.
In English we looked at postcard writing and at speech marks.
In Science we looked at habitats of the desert and the rainforest and at the plants and animals that live there.
As a treat we read an interesting story of the paper dolls made our own and write our own amazing stories. I know you will enjoy them on parents evening.
SATS meeting
Thank you for your attending the Sats meeting tonight I hope you found it useful. I look forward to speaking to you all next week at parents” evening where I will help guide you with your own child”s individual targets.
For those who were unable to attend tonight here is the link to the brief video that was shown and national standard information sheets will be available at parents” evening for anyone who would like one.
This will be show parents the format of SATS questions and to provide information about what is required to meet National Standard. Individual feedback will be given at parent's evening the following week.
Week ending 3/3/23
Sunny is certainly going on quite a few adventures and the work the children are producing in the books is just fab! We talk about this every morning and the children enjoy reading and sharing their news.
In maths we continued our measuring topic and measures weight and mass, length and started to measure time.
In English we have been continuing to study Meerkat mail and have written sentences with verbs and adverbs in. We have retold the story and used paragraphs in our writing. Next week we will build on this by adding speech marks to our SPAG work.
Week ending 25/2/23
What an amazing week back! Well done to the children who have settled beautifully. We have been practising maths skills of addition and subtraction. We have started meerkat Mail and have two sunny books that will be going home for the children to write a diary. The children are loving this! Everyone will get a turn.
We have been enjoying Mr Shingler’s PE.
New PE days
Wednesday and Thursday
Welcome to our new topic of hot deserts.
We will be starting our new book entitled Meerkat Mail where we will be exploring many writing genres. Letters, postcards, diary writing and stories. We will even be using the book to write non fiction accounts of Meerkats and exploring the science topic of warm habitats and plants and animals that live there.
In Geography we will continue to recall and name all the continents and oceans.
We will be preparing the children for the comprehension assessments after Easter and will be doing lots of different topics in Maths.
Please help your child by making a set of cards with + subtract x and divide symbols on them and 1/2 and 1/4. Knowing what these mean is really important and some children are getting the signs muddled.
We will be completing 6 sums daily. one of each to help the children practice and remember.
We will be having a SATS meeting very soon to explain the SATS process but please don’t worry the year 2 children don’t have any idea that they are doing anything different to normal and we will explain this at the meeting. Many of you have been asking how to help at home. There are 3 key things that really help.
1 reading and discussing what your child has read and why things happen. Comprehensions may be given to help your child.
2 practice calculations in real life especially using money. Change from £1 and giving the correct coins.
Practising telling the time. The children need to be able to tell the time o’clock, half past and quarter past and quarter to times to achieve national standard in maths. Many children learn with their own watch and keep on pointing out the time both analogue and digitally.
3 make sure your child writes everything in their best handwriting.
we look forward to seeing you at the meeting in the future.