Easter Holidays 2024
Thank you to everyone who came to Parent's evening last week. We enjoyed talking to everybody and showing you how far the children have come!
In the last week of term we have learnt all about why Easter is a special time for Christians, as well as how it is celebrated around the world. We listened to pieces of music related to the Easter Story and drew how the music made us feel.
We also had a walk around our playground looking for signs of spring which helped us to write poetry. Over the Easter holidays we would love for the children to find signs of spring when out and about and please send a photograph of your spring finds to aoconnell@victoriaparkinf.co.uk Thank you.
In Maths we learnt about length and height and used non-standard measures as well as introducing centimetres as a standard measure.
We also took part in a cross country race at the Junior school, and the children were treated to time on bouncy castles on Friday - Miss Ryde and the children had so much fun they forgot to take photographs!
Have a great Easter break and I will see you on Monday 8th April.
Mrs O'Connell xx
Wednesday 6th March
We have already had a really exciting week so far. We have been exploring flowers in Science and then we used the flowers and other natural materials to make sculptures in the style of Andy Goldsworthy.
Today we had a visit from the cartoonist Marc Jackson (@Marcmakescomics) for a special workshop, the children brought home their artwork today. We are looking forward to World Book Day tomorrow.
See below for lots of photographs!
Love, Mrs O'Connell x
Friday 1st March.
The children have been learning all about the Impressionist painter Vincent Van Gogh this week. They looked at his painting style, drew a preliminary sketch, then created their own sunflower pictures using pastel crayons. They were amazing & I can't wait to show you their Art books at parents evening.
Miss Ryde.
Here are a few:
Wednesday 28th February
This week we have been reading and writing our own traditional tales. We can't wait to show you the children's writing at parent's evening soon.
We have been learning about parts of the UK in Geography and have focused on Wales this week. We have had fun trying to pronounce the longest place name in Wales - here is a video of it being pronounced during a weather report if you'd like to hear it!
Here is some more information on the UK if you'd like to look at it with your child at home.
Next week
We will be celebrating World Book Day next week and the children are invited to dress up (see Mrs Dempsey's email). Please be aware as we have PE on Thursdays, the children are welcome to wear costumes but their clothes will need to be comfortable for physical activity.
Thank you for your continued support,
Mrs O'Connell xx
Friday 23rd February
Welcome back!
This week spelling books have been sent home and our first test for this half term is ‘week 6’. This will be on Tuesday 27th February.
As before the holidays, PE days this half term are Thursdays and Fridays. Please see the Spring 2 newsletter above for more information about this half term.
This week we have been practising place value in maths – exploring numbers up to 50 by grouping 10s. We have used ten frames and ten sticks in class, you can carry on practising at home by grouping objects at home into groups of 10 and counting the ‘ones’. E.g. 34 is 3 tens and 4 ones. There are also games to support the children's learning in our maths games folder.
Following on from Internet Safety Day, we have been learning about devices which use the internet and how to stay safe when using them.
We have also been reading non fiction books and learning about plants and their parts. We have been scientists and investigated the life cycle of a sunflower. A fantastic first week back!
Our day to change library books in school is WEDNESDAY- This is a valuable opportunity for the children and will support their enjoyment of reading. Please contact me if your child has misplaced the book they have borrowed.
Junk modelling - Please can any (clean) cardboard boxes and toilet/kitchen roll tubes be saved and sent in for 1C to use in our junk modelling area this half term. Who knows what inventions the children will be bringing home again!
Autumn and winter photographs - This half term I would like to create a display of autumn and winter photographs of 1C children. If you have an autumn or winter photograph of your child that you wouldn't mind me using on a display in school please email it to aoconnell@victoriaparkinf.co.uk by 1st March, or send a paper copy in. Thank you!
Mrs O'Connell x