Good morning! I hope you are ready to find out some more about weather.
Today we are going to find out about rain. Watch the video Rainy Day part 1After watching the video, I would like you to have a go at making a rain gauge. See the attached instruction sheet and a document for you to record the rainfall for a week.
Complete your weather diary for Tuesday. Remember to use finger spaces and correct letter formation. Grown-ups, if your child needs support with writing, please write the words for them to write over.
Recap the sounds on your fan or use the phase 2 and 3 sound mats. Grown-ups, please can you randomly point to different sounds and see if your child can recognise them. This is an activity that can be done anytime and helps your child to remember the sounds and digraphs they have learnt.
All children learn at different speeds. It takes some longer than others to learn and recognise new sounds. Please move at a pace that suits your child.
Today we are going to have another practise of the sound ear.
Join in with me on the video to blend some ear words
Grown-ups once you have practised blending the sounds to read the words, please could you now say those words, one at a time, and ask your child to write them down. (Remember to use the letter formation mat if need)
The 4 seasons of the year. Do you know what the different seasons are? Can you say them in the correct order?
Look at the attached seasons wheel and see which months are in which seasons. Following on from that I would like you to create a seasons poster. I have attached one if you would like to print it out and complete or you could create your own. I would like you to colour the trees how they would look in each season – green leaves, flowers, orange/brown leaves and no leaves. Then I would like you to draw some pictures and write some words under each tree showing what happens in each season.
Listen to and join in with the Singing in the Rain songI hope you have enjoyed founding out a little more about the weather. Did you manage to make a rain gauge? I will look forward to seeing your pictures. Enjoy the rest of your day and I will look forward to seeing you all tomorrow.
Take care
Mrs Spooner x