Hello everybody,
We have been lucky this week to have the sun shining.
Thank you to everybody who came to watch our sports day over at the park on Tuesday. Your children behaved amazingly and they all enjoyed joining in with the races and cheering each other on. Miss Edwards and I were very proud of them. The children were so pleased to see you grown ups there.
The children have been very excited to go on our new climbing frame this week and they were all so confident climbing and balancing. They are looking forward to going on it again this week.
We have been busy this week with phonics, matching animal print to the animal, discovering what is under the sea and preparing for our class assembly.
Don't forget that it is our class assembly on Thursday morning. We hope to see you all there.
I hope the sun continues to shine next week. Please apply sun cream to your child before school and send them in with a sun hat and a bottle of fresh water daily.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend and enjoy the weather!
Take care
Mrs Spooner x