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Reminder School Closes Thursday 24th October at 3pm. We welcome all pupils back on Monday 4th November 2024

Spring 1

Our Y1 Curriculum Update will give you an overview of our learning for the half-term and some ideas of how you can help at home.

Week beginning 06/02/2023


Ah, spring is in the air! The children’s playtimes have been brightened by a little hint of sun on their backs; how exciting! 

Their English work 🀯. We are so proud of their progress in writing. This week we have been working on writing a recount. The children wrote a diary entry from Amy Johnson’s perspective (linking to their history work on aviation). Absolutely wonderful work going on! 


In maths we have moved on to numbers within 50. The children have been counting/ recognising larger amounts and partitioning numbers into tens and ones. 


In history the focus has been how improvements in aviation have changed the way we travel today. 

Spelling tests will now be on a Thursday and fresh spellings will go out then too. 


Wishing you a happy half-term. Have fun! 

Mrs Nichol. πŸŽ‰πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ˜€



Week beginning 30/02/23


We have continued to look the book Journey in English. The children made their own picture book which followed the structure of Journey but the children invented their own magic world through the chalk door.

Beautiful work from 1C! So impressed. 


Some tricky lessons in maths this week but the children have worked hard to grasp the ‘missing numbers’ concept and use their addition/ subtraction learning to answer questions. 

In design technology (and linking to the senses) they taste tested some fruit and the children described its taste, touch and smell. They designed and made their own fruit skewers and chopped some of the fruit themselves. 

Our phonics scheme is progressing quickly with some challenging sounds in current lessons. Please try to encourage your child to complete each week’s set homework to help secure their learning. 

A very busy and fun week! 

Have a lovely weekend. 

Mrs Nichol ☺️



Week beginning 23/01/2023


In English the children have looked at the beautiful picture book Journey. As the book doesn’t contain words, the children have made inferences from the pictures to tell the story in their own way. 

The children have risen to the challenge in maths this week. We’ve moved onto subtraction within 20; counting back, using number bonds to subtract and finding the difference between two numbers. 


In art, the children have looked at secondary colours using paint. 


We are still focusing on trees in science and the children did well to recognise the function of each tree part. 


Big thank you for your support with their spellings; we have already noticed a difference in their books. 

Book bags; their past homework that has been marked is for you to keep (or recycle) as you wish. Please remove from their book bags so it’s not mixed up with the new sheets. 

With thanks for your continued support. 


Have a great weekend.
Mrs Nichol 😁


Week beginning 16/01/2023


In English, the children have sequenced Up and Down and written a short book review, extending their sentences using 'and' and 'because'. We have also focused on getting the basics correct and spent a lesson focussing on capital letters and full stops. The children also enjoyed learning about compound words and using them in their writing. 


The children have worked really hard in maths to use their number bonds to 10 and apply it to sums within 20. The children have learnt that if  5 + 3 = 8 then 15 + 3 = 18. 

They have answered addition sums to 20 independently, and this is something we will continue to embed. 


In history, the children have been learning how air travel has changed over time. They have compared and contrasted the Wright Flyer with a modern day aeroplane. 


In art, the children have been looking at the primary colours and have created a colour wheel using paints. 


In science, we have been monitoring our rain gauge closely. It has collected 1.5cm of snow/rain so far. We have moved onto our trees/plants unit and have started out by labelling the parts of a tree. 


Have a great weekend and let us rejoice in the fact that spring isn't too far away... ! 

Mrs Nichol :-) 





Week beginning 09/01/2023


We are really proud of the children’s progress- particularly in their writing! Massive thank you for reading with them consistently at home, as this directly contributes to their ability to spell, form sentences correctly and use borrowed themes from stories they’ve enjoyed. 


In English, we’ve looked at Up and Down by Oliver Jeffers. The children made sensible predictions, described the characters using adjectives and adapted the story by changing the ending. Some lovely work. 


In maths, we have compared numbers to 20 using inequality symbols and ordered numbers from smallest to greatest and greatest to smallest. 

The children created some beautiful collages in art, in Mondrian style. 


In history, the children have learnt about aviation and specifically looked at the Montgolfier brothers who were the creators of the first hot air balloon. 


We made a class rainfall gauge to answer the question, ‘does it always rain in Stretford in January and February?’ We will put it out on Monday to collect and measure rainfall. 

Book folder request- please could we have a clear out of old homeworks from their folder. I find I’m missing new completed ones amongst old ones. 

The children did really well on their first spelling test and were actually excited about it! Long may it continue! 


Have a relaxing weekend! 
Mrs Nichol πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ˜Š 




Week beginning 3rd January


It was lovely to welcome the children back to school. We packed a lot of fun and learning into our four day week. 


In English, the children enjoyed writing about what they did over the Christmas break. We then looked at poetry; the children wrote rhyming couplets which included verbs. They also had a go at completing 'nonsense poems' on Friday- on the ting, tang, tong where the cows go ning, nang, nong.... 


We continued our work on numbers to 20; looking at place value (10s and 1s) and 'one more than'. 


We rounded up our learning on the seasons in science, and the children drew some lovely pictures of each. In Geography, the children looked at different types of weather. 


During circle time I asked the children to tell me what they wanted to be when they grew up. I had to share their answers with you! 

Some of the girls' answers; a builder, a doctor, a footballer, a mother, a famous ballerina, a popstar, a gymnast. 

Some of the boys' answers; a teacher, a footballer, a fireman, a police officer, The President of the USA. 

I loved hearing their thoughts and shared my dream with them too, which was to be a sweet shop owner, teacher in close second of course! 


P.E. To safely participate in the lessons, please can children's earrings be removed on P.E. days. If they are newly pierced or can't be taken out, can you send your child in with plasters on to cover them.  


Spellings- Hope the note in their books is clear. Any questions, just ask. 


With thanks for your continued support, 

Mrs Nichol :-) 

Some of the children at play.

Tuesday 3rd January

Hello everyone and welcome back to school smiley

Just to let you know that PE this half term will be on Wednesday's and Friday's and the children can come to school in their PE kits on those days.
