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Week beginning 15th June 2020

In the area of mathematics this week we will focus on a range of construction vehicles and how they move.

Develop Maths from the story  Tip Tip Dig Dig by Emma Garcia

Do lots of touch counting.  Ask questions such as:

How many different construction vehicles are there in the story?

How many wheels are there on each of the vehicles.

Use the story to explore number recognition and counting skills  

Use sequencing story vocabulary such as first, next, then, last etc.

Encourage the use of comparative language and explore opposites when talking about how the construction vehicles work such as up, down, high, low, push, pull, full, empty

At the end of the story all the work vehicles have worked together to make an adventure playground

How many different activities have been made?

How many tyres can be found in the adventure playground?

One Mole Digging A Hole Read Along Book

Develop mathematical counting skills. Count along with this delightful book by Julia Donaldson.
There is plenty to giggle about on each page!
