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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.

Nursery - Mrs Dempsey

Week 7


What a great way to finish our half-term in school. The children were amazing in the Harvest assembly- Mrs Howarth and I were so proud of them, and how beautifully they sang both songs.


The children have made amazing progress over the last 7 weeks. They have settled incredibly into school. I hope you all have a lovely week off and I will see you on the 31st October for another 7 weeks of fun!


Mrs Dempseysmiley

Week 6


This week in Nursery we have had lots of fun using the IPAD. The children talked about different technology and where you might find it- at home, at school or in a shop. We used the IPAD camera function to take selfies, which caused lots of giggles!                                                         


The children were amazing when talking about things that make us healthy and help us to stay this way too. They enjoyed watching this little clip and spotting lots of different ways people were making good lifestyle choices.

BBC Learning - What Do Humans Need To Stay Healthy

In our provision we have enjoyed using the scales to weigh fruit and vegetables, using language such as heavier and lighter. We have been busy practising our cutting skills in the playdough area. We had a very busy water tray, washing pots and pans from the mud kitchen. We also had a special arrival in our small world of some horses and a stable.


We had fun outside using the parachute, listening to instructions on when to lift it up and when to pull it down. The tuff spot full of different textured cereals created some amazing language opportunities- who knew that cranberries from muesli can be turned into mini rocks on the back of a dumper truck!


A special visitor came too- Mrs O'Connell from Year One visited us with little baby Jack. The Nursery children asked lots of questions and had lots to talk about!


Parent/Carer reminder-


Please label all items of clothing, this includes spare clothes in bags.

Your child's special box needs to be in Nursery as soon as possible.



Week 5


This week in Nursery we have had lots of fun indoors and outdoors-despite the dreadful weather. We loved watching the powder paint dissolve in the rain. We even managed to get the colours to mix, making purple and green, as the water made a little river across the floor!



We have enjoyed exploring the BeeBot and then using these programmable toys in our play. The children thought it was very funny when we programmed it to spin.

We are practising holding pencils and beginning to form some of the letters in our name. We are doing lots of fine motor practise to help us with this. The children are at varying levels with this and that is perfectly normal. 


In phonics we have been thinking about environmental sounds. Mrs Howarth led a brilliant session using the musical instruments- we used the rainmakers to mimic the sound we could hear outside. We also used guiros, cabasas and claves to imitate lots of other sounds we often hear around us.


A reminder to parents/carers


All 'Special Boxes' need to be in school by the end of next week.

Week 4 


In Nursery this week we have been enjoying stories about Elmer the Elephant. We have been talking about what makes us special-just like Elmer! We have also been chatting about our favourite colours in circle time- we had many different answers.


We have been busy in the outdoor environment. We have been drawing around our bodies and comparing length- the children loved doing this and transferred these skills into their own independent play.



In was a very wet day on Friday but this didn't stop us having fun. We went out in our puddle suits and enjoyed making bubbles in the puddles. 


Please can all children have a pair of wellies in school. These should be left on the blue trolley near the entrance to Nursery. 


Have a lovely weekendsmiley


Week 3


This week in Nursery we have been busy with activities that link to our topic "We Are Super!". In the malleable area we have been using our fine motor skills to create dough faces. We have been working on our pencil control by creating some crazy hairstyles on the mark-making table.


Outdoors we have enjoyed making large patterns in the glittery, shaving foam. We have also using been using long pieces of paper, as ribbons, to get our big muscles moving. 


The children were fascinated on Friday by the giant spider web we spotted on the railings. This led to some amazing, in the moment activities, where we created our own  webs with long pieces of paper. The children also enjoyed drawing webs on the large whiteboard.


In our circle times we have been talking about what makes us happy. I was so impressed with the confidence of the children and how they were able to talk aloud in front of their friends.


Please can you make sure that your child's special box is in by next Friday - please see the newsletter for more information. We will also be collecting fund donations this Monday.


Don't forget to pop along to the event below!



Nursery Newsletter

Week 2


What a lovely week we have had in Nursery. We have still been settling in, and the children have been unbelievable considering this is their first full week! We are all very proud of them. Despite some initial tears, we have had a very calm and happy time.


This week we have been learning some new routines, such as our morning welcome song, circle time sessions and full-time children have stayed for their lunch. 


We have been very lucky with the weather and have enjoyed getting outdoors at every opportunity. We are introducing more resources each week, as the children learn to take care of the things in the Nursery and try and put things back where they belong.


You will shortly receive our class newsletter, with further information needed, but in the meantime if you need any further support please get in touch.


Mrs Dempsey

Week 1





Wow- what an amazing week we have had in Nursery. I am so proud of all the children settling in so well. A very big thank you to you as parents/carers for giving your little people the best chance at settling by leaving them with a big smile, a big kiss and a big cuddle. Please don't worry if your child has been a little bit upset- I promise you that they have been super brave, wiped their tears away and got on with the job of playing pretty quickly!


Next week we start with our normal timings, and full time children will be staying for dinner. Just a reminder that children are provided with a snack, so it is not necessary (unless for medical reasons) to send them with one. The same routine for entering Nursery will remain- come into Nursery to settle your child, if needed, but if not let them enter on their own. The entrance can get very busy, and this can be overwhelming for our children.


A few things to remember-


  • All children need a pair of wellies to stay in school.
  • Your child should have a bag in nursery with spare clothes and underwear inside.
  • A waterproof coat is needed so that we can stay dry even if it is a bit drizzly.


ParentPay information will be with you shortly- please bear with us as we process all the new information onto the system. I will also be sending out some WOW moment sheets this week- these are for you to fill in at home when your child does something that makes you proud. This may be riding a scooter for the first time, zipping their coat up or making marks for their name. *Please note- they do not have to be filled in all at once. 


Have a lovely weekend, and as always, if you have any concerns or questions please come and chat to me, Mrs Howarth or Mrs Peters.


Mrs Dempsey




