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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.

Spring 1

Please see our curriculum update for more detail about our learning this half term.

Week beginning 7th February

There has been lots of exciting things going on in class this week. As part of school's Health and Wellbeing week, we have been thinking about how we care for our friends and exploring what random acts of kindness we can do in our class and school that make us feel happy inside. We made a kindness tree to remind us of all the things we do.

In maths we have been working with numbers to 50. We have counted backwards and forwards and found out how many tens and ones are in a number. You may like to continue practising counting with your child over the holidays so they are more familiar with the number sequences as well as how to spell the numbers.

We also had fun designing and making our own toy boats. We first had to work out which material would be best to keep them buoyant and then tested our creations to find out if they could stay afloat. It was all very exciting and we hoped you liked our designs when we brought them home.

If you're looking for something extra to do during the holidays don't forget about completing Mrs Dempsey’s reading challenge. Take a photograph of yourself reading at home but with a twist… Can you read a book whilst brushing your teeth? Can you enjoy a magazine whilst hiding under a chair? Can you make up your own story and read it to your teddies? Please can you send the photos to which will be added to the display in school.


Finally, we just wanted to say what a fantastic start the children have made learning their weekly spellings and thank you for the continued support. We have retained the spelling books over the holidays so we can update them and will give them out again after the holidays on Thursday 24th February for a test the following week on Thursday 3rd March.


We hope you all have a super rest during the half term holidays and we will see you back in school on Monday 21st February.


Miss Green and Miss Ryde

Week beginning 31st January

Hello everybody! There has been lots of learning this week in 1G. The children have thoroughly enjoyed our history work in the topic Ready, Steady, Go! and this week we have been finding out more about the Bridgewater canal in Stretford. Over the weekend or during the February half term holiday why not be a history detective and find out more about the local area? There is a local history trail you can go on (around Stretford, approximately one mile in distance) and find the answers to the questions below. Have fun!

In maths we have been focusing on measuring the length and heights of objects using non-standard units of measurement such as cubes or paperclips and then moved on to using rulers measuring in cms. Some children found this a little tricky at first, so any extra practise using rulers at home would be really useful.

In English we have been exploring the book Journey part of a triology of books by the author Aaron Becker. The children have been enthralled by it. As it is a wordless book, it has really captivated their imaginations as they try and be detectives and work out what story the author is telling just using the illustrations. If you have a chance to loan this book when visiting the library or its sequels Quest and Return we would highly recommend them.

Finally just a reminder about next week. As part of school’s Health and wellbeing week, the PFTA have organised a kindness day on Friday 11th February when children will be thinking about times when people have been kind to them or they have been kind to someone else. On this day the children can come to school dressed in their own clothes wearing a red or pink item or an accessory.


Have a lovely weekend everyone. See you next week.


Week beginning 24th January

Hello everybody,

This week we had super fun with our football coaches outside. We did lots of games practising our ball skills.

In history, the children have enjoyed continuing to learn about the pioneers of aviation who have led the way for us being able to travel to worldwide destinations from Manchester airport. We learnt about local heroes John Alcock and Arthur Brown who made the first non-stop Transatlantic flight and Amy Johnson who flew solo to Australia and thought about how difficult and scary it must have been to make those journeys.

In maths we have been continuing with our addition and subtraction work, this week focusing on subtraction. This has proved quite a challenge for the children as not only did they have to remember how to count backwards but we have also been partitioning the second number using the ‘make 10’ strategy (using our number bonds knowledge) to make the calculations easier (similar to the work we did last week with addition). We used ten frames and number lines to help us complete our work.


Please, please can we ask that you practise counting backwards with your child (e.g Start at 15 and count back 6. What number do you land on?) to help with their fluency and confidence in subtraction. Also it would help, if they practised completing subtraction calculations, again to help with fluency and confidence. The link below shows how subtraction calculations can be completed either by counting backwards in ones or by partitioning the second number using number bond knowledge (please ignore the bit when it refers to the worksheet as this is a teaching video but we thought it would be the best way to explain the concept).

Subtraction crossing 10

Here are some games you might like to play for extra practise.


Thank you continued support and have a lovely weekend everyone 😊

Week beginning 17th January

This week we have been enjoying our new topic of Ready, Steady, Go! The children have been learning about the Wright Brothers who invented the first, passenger carrying flying machine powered by an engine. We have been looking at photographs of the Wright Flyer and comparing it to modern aeroplanes. In English we have been reading the story Up and Down by Oliver Jeffers about a penguin who wanted to fly and what he did to make his dream come true. The children loved this book! In design and technology, we used the flying inspiration to design, make and test our own paper aeroplane gliders. We had a race to see whose glider would fly the furthest. Sumayya’s design won. This was the best way to finish the week and the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves 😊

It’s been a great week of learning in maths. We have been focusing on addition, with lots of practical work as well as learning quicker ways to add mentally by partitioning the second number to make the first number ten in number sentences (sums). The video below explains this more clearly. The children might want to keep practising this skill over the next few weeks. It is best done practically until they really understand it.

Adding with Ten Frames - mental math strategies

Have a lovely weekend everyone and we will see you next week.

Week beginning 10th January

We have been working hard this week and enjoying our new topic Ready, Steady, Go!

Our English work has been all about poems. We loved reading the funny poems, On the Ning, Nang, Nong! and Where Teachers Keep Their Pets and we wrote our own poems based on them. In Maths we have solved problems involving 2D and 3D shapes and made some great shape pictures! In History we have been learning about the Montgolfier brothers who invented the hot air balloon in France over 200 years ago. Our curriculum update will give you more information about the exciting things we are going to be learning this half term.

In Geography and Science, we have been studying the weather recognising the symbols used on weather forecasts and making our own class weather station to record information about the weather over the next two weeks. If you would like to make your own rainfall gauge at home, we’ve put the link below.

How To... Build A Rain Gauge - The Great British Weather - BBC One

We will be sending spelling words to learn towards the end of next week so look out for those and please check the homework folder above.


Have a lovely weekend smiley

Wednesday 5th January 2022

Happy New Year and welcome back to school. Just a reminder that as it is Thursday tomorrow we have PE. Please come to school in your PE clothes and don't forget to bring in your reading folders and water bottles. I can't wait to see you all,


Miss Green
