Hello R2 Families!
This week, as part of our topic work, we have been learning about looking after ourselves and keeping ourselves healthy. We talked about healthy food and went on to make lovely fruit kebabs, which were packed with fruity goodness! We discussed the importance of being active too and joined Joe Wicks in an exercise session!
In maths this week, we have looked at all the different representations of the numbers 4 and 5. Part of maths mastery is learning about numbers in depth. Here are some of the different ways of representing numbers 0-5...
As the children's phonics knowledge grows they have the 'tools' to sound out words and then blend them sounds to read the word. This is a skill that some of the children have now secured and they have begun to take off and fly as readers! Being able to blend is a skill that requires lots of practise and reading at home with your child is key to their progression. Please take time to read regularly with your child at home in order to help them to reach their fullest potential in their reading. Thank you for all of your support in this.
This week we have talked as a class about how rotten bullying is as part of Anti-Bullying Week 2022. The children have really thought about and have practised using kind actions and words. We ended the week with dressing in yellow for Friendship Friday and made a class friend a friendship bracelet. We then came together with our R1 friends to play some lovely games together in the big playground! There were lots of big hugs in our 'Stop and have a Hug Game'!
Next week we'll be continuing to learn about how to be healthy and will talk about dental health and the importance of rest and sleep. We'll also begin working together with R1 and the Nursery to bring you an awesome Christmas Show!
I hope that you have a lovely weekend. Enjoy the snaps in the slideshow below.
Mrs Cook x