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Week beginning 30th March 2020

Hey lovely families!


Here are some cool ideas for you to enjoy some maths fun!


We have done lots of fantastic early calculation this term and explored different ways of adding and subtracting. Here are some of the ways we know:

  • We can use our fingers (when working within 10)
  • We can use moveable objects to help us to find answers to addition and subtraction problems
  • We can use non-moveable objects to help, like pictures
  • We can recall the number facts to 5 that we have been learning by heart to help us find answers mentally- (the children say 'I just knew it!')
  • We can put the first number in our heads and count the second number on or back 
  • We can use a number line to count on in froggy jumps to add or count back in froggy jumps to subtract


Well fancy that! These are all the ways that we know to help us with addition and subtraction problems! What bright stars! enlightened


Here are a few links to addition and subtraction activities on Twinkl (easy and free to register!) that you can try at home. Simply writing addition and subtraction number sentences for your child does the job i.e. 2+3=   4-1=


*********BTW we have been working with numbers/answers within 10 so far, whilst we have been getting the hang of the methods!********

