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Reminder School Closes Thursday 24th October at 3pm. We welcome all pupils back on Monday 4th November 2024

Week 1

Hello R2 Families

Thanks for a lovely week. This week the children have been comparing wild animals to farm animals. We journeyed around the world to the African Savannah, the Amazon Rain Forest and the Arctic and to a local farm. We found these places on a world map and talked about the climate there and the animals that live there. The children brought so much knowledge and understanding to our carpet time discussions. 

We went on to sort animals, write about animals by thinking of good describing words for them and we did some amazing observational drawings of wild and farm animals. We were so proud of our art that we displayed it on 'Our Wall of Wonderful things'. Take a peek at how busy we have been...

And at our amazing display of art heart



In phonics this week we have learnt the digraph (2 letters representing 1 sound) 'th'. Some of the children are struggling to formulate the 'th' sound. May I ask that at home you observe your child and if they replace 'th' with a 'f' or 'v' encourage them to gently place their tongue between their teeth to help them to make the sound correctly.


Next week we will be learning about mini beasts. We will be getting a special delivery from the post man of some caterpillars! We will observe their growth in the coming weeks-how exciting! 


Enjoy your weekend and enjoy a few more pics of our lovely week


Mrs Cook xxx
