This week in English we are going to be thinking about pets and how to look after them. If you don’t have a pet then don’t worry, we have lots of information about different pets for you to read! When you have looked at the powerpoint why not have a go at filling in the fact sheet about your pet or any of the animals you have found out about.
Or you could make a poster about a pet. You could include a drawings or photographs and talk about:
There are also a couple of little videos you can watch-
You might need to do some further research if your pet is not on there. Try where you can find out more information about how to look after pets.
SPAG Activities.
Spelling punctuation and grammar is an integral part of the English curriculum. We want the children to continue to revise and revisit these areas. The activites below will provide some revision and there is some general information for parents which should be useful. Complete as many as you wish. The activity mats have the same work but differentiated - *** being the most challenging. Choose the one which best suits your child.