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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.

Week 1

  • About Us
  • Welcome back! What an amazing first week we have had here in R1
  • It has been a week of learning about a few fantastic festivals, customs and celebrations that are special to us. The week began with a little spooky theme. The children talked about the Halloween fun that many had experienced or were going to take part in.
  • We then went on to learnt about Diwali, the wonderful festival of light.  During joint story time, Mrs Cook spoke to the children about Hindu customs and why Diwali is so special.
  • With Bonfire night approaching, we learnt about the custom and why we light bonfires and fireworks at this time of the year. The children shared their plans for celebrating this weekend with the whole class.
  •  We were very fortunate to of took part in week 1 of a 4 week course of Street Dance lessons with an amazing dance teacher called Courtney, The children carried out dance sequences, played games and did a lovely meditation to rest, at the end of a very fun filled hour. Courtney thought R1 were just brilliant!
  • This week's topic work brought a whole load of sparkly creative fun and we really did have the loveliest time together. We have used collage skills to create plate monster characters and bonfire pictures. We used coloured rice to create Rangoli patterns and air drying clay to mould Divas as part of our Diwali topic work.  Finally, we have talked about the importance of keeping safe on Bonfire night and created some very useful and eye-catching Bonfire Night Safety posters. To top the week off, the children were treated to making delicious chocolate apple slice lollies!
  • I hope that you enjoy looking through the snaps of this week's fun.

Can I remind you all to speak to your child about the special letter, they received in class on Friday.


Next week we will begin to learn about our feelings and emotions. In phonics we will learn about 'u' and 'r' and in maths we'll learn about positional language and find out triangles, rectangles and squares and will explore their properties by making Kandinsky style art. 

Some reminders for next week:

  • Flu vaccines will take place on Tuesday 8th November
  • Parent's Evenings take place on Wednesday 9th and Thursday 10th November. Appointment slips which indicate your appointments were sent home in your child's reading folder on Friday. Everyone has been given an appointment that I've endeavoured to be as close to your requested appointment time as possible.  
  • Individual school photos take place on Thursday 10th November.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Miss Edwards
