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Week 5 Week Beginning 27th September

Hello to all of our Reception 2 families!


The weeks are flying by! It is week 6 of Autumn One next week! Bonkers! It has been a lovely week.

As part of our topic 'It's Good to be Me!' we have enjoyed finding out about one another's families and homes. The children shared their family photographs with pride and talked with confidence about their special people. Next week we will learn about how we keep healthy and will find out about the importance of healthy eating, personal hygiene and sleep.

In maths we have explored the concept of more, fewer/less and the same/equal numbers of objects. Next week we will begin to explore comparing the size and capacity of objects. At home, talk to your child about which is the biggest, tallest, the widest and which are the smallest, shortest. Try ordering everyday objects from the biggest to the smallest. 

We have been mastering the formation of the letters Ss Aa Tt and Pp. Some of the children are still establishing an effective grip on a pencil. Below you will find some information and some guidance on how you can firstly ascertain what type of a pencil grip your child has. Then there is further information on how you can help your child to establish a more effective and comfy grip on a pencil. Beneath each picture you will find a link which enlarge the pictures for you. When helping your child, just gently correct them, they are all at different stages in their development with this skill.

We are establishing a reading/phonics routine in class. You'll find that your child is bringing home 2 reading books and 2 phonics practise sheets each week. The reading books need to be read more than once, this helps to develop fluency. The phonics homework worksheets are a really important practise to help your child to become a confident reader and writer, thankyou for the support that you are giving. Next week we will learn the phonemes Ii and Nn. We will learn to identify where these sounds appear in words, by listening for the sound at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a word. Discerning  sounds in words seems easy but it is really tricky and takes time and practise for the children. It is a key skill in phonics however, so please take the time to ask your child questions like 'where is i in the word ink, sing?' 'where is the n sound in nest, running and sun?' I have found that some children are saying letter names for letters and not their sound. Please try to always sound the letters instead of naming them when working with your child.

Please  write in your child's yellow reading record every time you read and make sure your child's clear plastic reading folder is in their book bag every day. Thank you, I really appreciate your support. 

Can I reassure you that if your child is missing a jumper or cardi, that as long as it has a name in it it will find its way back to its owner. The children are only in their classroom, so chances of them getting lost are slim. Sometimes children do take one another's things home by accident but if this happens I have total faith in parents sending the item back to school and I will always try my upmost to reunite uniform with its owner. I have twins at primary school and feel for you when this happens! Children taking care of and responsibility for their things is a life lesson too and I support them in this in partnership with yourselves. 


We have a new medal winner this week! Millie was chosen for being a brilliant listener, being kind and gentle and always keeping busy! 


Have a lovely weekend everyone, despite the miserable weather! Miss Hodgson and I can't wait to see you on Monday!

Here are some photos of our week!

Mrs Cook xxx
