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Week beginning 4th May 2020

Exciting maths news! 

Starting from Monday, White Rose Maths (WRM) has teamed up with BBC Bitesize daily. So the videos and work on WRM can be supplemented with BBC Bitesize (however please look at the WRM website first so you know the level of work, just in case BBC Bitesize is too easy!) As always, we have provided the worksheets here to help explain what the lessons are about and we have included practical activities that achieve the same outcomes.  

Lesson 1 is about finding the different ways of making 20 by adding 2 numbers together. We have done this lots of times in class and for homework, so why don't you challenge yourself first. Can you remember all the different ways from memory and write them out as part whole models or number sentences (sums)? Don't worry if you can't, you can do this practically by getting 20 objects (like LEGO) and putting them into 2 groups to find the missing answers.

For an extra challenge why don’t you try and find the pairs of numbers that add together for numbers up to 20 (look at the robot worksheet for examples of how to do this).

Lesson 2 is a continuation of yesterday's work set out as a part whole model and bar model but this time working with numbers up to 20. You will remember that we have done this in class and learnt that addition and subtraction can be linked together (known as fact families). Again you can use practical objects to help you if needed and remember a subtraction number sentence (sum) always starts with the largest number.

Lesson 3 is about how to solve number sentences (sums) when there is a missing number using the part whole model. Again you can use practical objects if you need them. Always start with the largest number first and then share out the objects.

Lesson 4 is about addition using counting on. This can be done mentally using the ‘head and hand’ method we use in class (where you put the largest number in your head and use your fingers to help count on or count back). You can also use practical objects to help you count or a number line (ruler) if it helps.

*parent/ carer help – the aim of these lessons are to get children counting forwards and backwards accurately without the use of practical objects and to also know their numbers bonds to 10 and 20 from memory (which includes addition and subtraction facts). This is something we have worked on all year and has been included as homework. Being able to do this accurately will increase your child's confidence in working out calculations mentally.
