This week in nursery our literacy focus would be based on our ‘materials’ topic book ‘Stanley’s Stick’ by Jon Hegley
We have a Stanley’s stick story sack in the nursery and we use it to encourage the children to retell the story in their own words, to talk about their favourite part of the story and to make up their own stick stories.
Suggest the children find their own stick and maybe a few other resources as seen in the story book e.g. toy dinosaurs, slugs, tea spoons etc. then encourage them to make up their own stick stories.
Suggest the children draw a picture of their favourite part of the story. Encourage the children to write their name on their work (name writing practise) and to have a go at trying to write about their picture (practise emergent writing skills).
Try using sticks to make marks in sand or compost
Stick related topic stories to look for include:
Stick nursery rhymes and action songs:
Rhythm sticks - finds sticks to tap together then sing a rhythm stick song.
Letters and Sounds phonics
Focus on the letter S as in the story
“Stanley stands on Stockport station with his Stick”
Sing the Jolly phonics for ‘s’