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Autumn 1 - Marvellous Me!

23rd October 2020

What a week! The children have worked their socks off again this week and they have been doing lots of writing. We are learning to use finger spaces between our words, and how to use the phonics resources around the room and the sounds we already know to help us to spell the words we want to write. WELL DONE! We have enjoyed learning about what Harvest means and where the food we eat comes from. 

We also enjoyed non-uniform day on Tuesday and recorded our song for the virtual Harvest Assembly. We had to do a few takes of this thanks to a combination of technical and logistical hitches, and I was extremely proud of how mature and patient the children were. laugh 

For our science learning this week we named and labelled the parts of a tree and made some fantastic playdoh tree models. We also talked about changes in the four seasons and matched pictures associated to spring, summer, autumn and winter trees.

If your child has not been featured on the class pages photographs/videos and you would now like them to be (or vice versa), please send an updated data collection sheet into school.

Enjoy the well deserved half term break and we will see you all on Monday 2nd November. 

Love from Mrs O'Connell and Mrs Al-Noah xx

16th October 2020

We have been scientists this week and we have identified which deciduous trees our autumn finds have come from. If you are able to visit the park over the next couple of weeks it would be great if the children can have a go at identifying which trees the leaves you find are from. Use the guide below to help you, there are many more beautiful trees in our park in addition to the ones listed below. Can you also spot any evergreen trees? 😊

We have also been busy painting which the children have really enjoyed. We mixed paints to make our own autumnal colours for our pictures.

This week we are reading This is the Bear and the Scary Night and have been talking and writing about things that make us feel scared (sharks, spiders and the dark..!) This led us on to talking about nocturnal animals and we all took part in a ‘Draw with Rob’ session where we drew Eugene the owl from his book ‘GRRRRR’. Well done 1C!!

Next week:

The PFTA have arranged a non-uniform day on Tuesday 20th October for a £1 donation and the theme is fancy dress if you can..! laughwink

It is an INSET day on Friday 23rd October so the children’s last day before the half term holiday will be Thursday 22nd.

See you on Monday for week 8!! x

9th October 2020

Hello! The children have been busy practising their handwriting and letter formation this week - please find the help sheet attached near the bottom of this page if your child needs further support with this. 

We have also been reading This is the Bear by Sarah Hayes and thinking about all of the different characters in the book. We put ourselves in their position and thought of some brilliant questions and answers. 

Below are some photos of our PE sessions, our work in class, and our fantastic models and games. You are well and truly settled as Year 1s now and we are so proud of you - working hard and playing hard!

Next week: The children will be having their individual school photographs taken on TUESDAY 13th OCTOBER (please see the newsletters tab for more useful dates and information).


2nd October 2020

What a great week! We have enjoyed being scientists and we have been classifying pets according to their fur, feathers or scales. We have also been reading our favourite nursery rhymes and changing their rhyming couplets - well done 1C!

Here is our finished art display!

We also enjoyed our first Thursday PE lesson with Mr Shingler and learnt all about what happens to our heart, lungs and muscles when we exercise. Look out for photos of our PE lessons next week..! 


Lastly, a HUGE well done to all of the children (and parents) for being ready for PE on Mondays and Thursdays and for getting in the habit of practising your reading every night! You are already making good progress and we can see your confidence growing before our eyes! Superstars laughyes

25th September 2020

As well as working hard in their groups, the children have been playing lots of games this week and practising how to share toys and to wait their turn. We are all really proud of how well the children are organising themselves. They are bringing their reading book to the classroom every day, as well as their water bottles. They have coped with every part of their new routine very well and it is wonderful to see everyone so happy to be back at school - that includes the grownups! 

Please can we ask everybody to ensure that your child's jumpers, cardigans, and book bags are named as it really helps when we are matching them back to their owners.


This week we have introduced the concept of maps and the children have had a go at drawing what they see on their journey to school. If your child knows their own address and postcode it will help them with their geography work next week. smiley

The children have enjoyed reading Oi Frog and the other books in Kes Gray and Jim Field's series. We have found the rhyming couplets very funny! Here is the video Mrs Al-Noah recorded for our 'storytelling corner' page in April this year. 

Oi Frog!

We have also been learning tricks and tips to remember the difference between the letters b and d. This is a very common confusion for children of this age - below are some ideas if you need them.

And finally we have great news! As well as dance lessons on Mondays, we will be starting a second PE lesson on Thursday (1st October) with our other sports coach Mr Shingler. Please now send your child in on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS wearing jogging bottoms/leggings with trainers/pumps and their usual school tops/white PE tshirt and jumper. laugh 

18th September 2020

The children enjoyed their first PE lesson this week - please see Mrs Gill's PE letter below for more details. On Monday the children are allowed to come to school wearing jogging bottoms or leggings and trainers or pumps with their usual school tops and they can wear them all day so they won't need a kit to be kept in school at the moment. 

The children have learnt about different types of computers this week, and all about how we use the internet. Below is a link for the BBC Bitesize online safety information - this is helpful to remind the children that if they see something that they don't like online they are to close the device and tell an adult immediately. 

We have also been busy learning all about where we live and our own addresses. The children are having fun looking at their own homes on Google Earth! laugh

A peek at our emotions display

10th September 2020

Mrs O'Connell says it's been a pleasure to meet you all this week!

The children have been busy getting to know their new routines, practising sounds and numbers, drawing, writing, and playing with the Year 1 toys! We read The Dot by Peter H Reynolds and made our own pictures inspired by the book. 

Here is the Year One curriculum update and examples of how we write letters and numbers at school.

4th September 2020

Hello! What a fabulous couple of days! You settled in quickly and we are very proud of the way you have started to get used to the Year 1 classroom and routines. You all look smart in school uniform, and worked and played beautifully together.

Mrs Al-Noah was particularly impressed with your tidying up! Mr Cartwright and Mrs Khan enjoyed getting to know you better too. Enjoy your weekend and Mrs O'Connell can't wait to see you all on Monday! smiley 


Our hardworking YEAR 1s colour mixing to make faces for our new display about feelings.
