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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.

Weeks 3 & 4 Weeks Beginning 21st & 28th June

Hello Reception 2 Children and Grown Ups smiley

Apologies for the radio silence last week indecision I was so disappointed, when going to transfer the week's photographs of the children, that the school  iPad had a corrupted file and wouldn't allow me. It's in the safe hands of Gary, our tech whizz hopefully getting sorted. I have found a way around it this week and I'm happy to say they we do have some pics for this week! So, what have we been up to?


Week 3


Our Traditional Tale for last week was The Three Billy Goats Gruff. The children had that awful Troll's measure! The children wrote brilliant character descriptions and came up with some great adjectives. In maths we talked about odds and evens and the children did so well, Miss H and I were truly impressed to bits! Sol and Ezra were double medal winners! Well done done boys!


Week 4


This week we talked about the difference between a Traditional Tale and a Fairy Tale. We have enjoyed sharing the Fairy Tale Cinderella. The children wrote some super independent sentences about the different parts of the story. They are increasingly using their phonics to spell  words are and they are really thinking about the need for finger spaces and a full stop. We have been practising reading our sentences back to ourselves to evaluate whether another reader will be able read what we have written. In handwriting with Mrs Hermans, following a recent handwriting assessment that I carried out, the children have been focusing on the specific letters that they find super tricky.


This week in maths,  we have paid particular attention to number formation. Some numbers are super tricky and the children have tried super hard. Some children have come home with extra number formation practise sheets to help them to master certain numbers. 


This week the children have each listened to and followed instructions to operate a programmable toy, namely a Beebot. They loved it and they did so well. 


Earlier in the week, Mrs Walkden was passing by our classroom as I was organising some of the children's lovely work into their learning journeys. Something sparkly caught her eye! The children had been designing a glass slipper for Cinderella and Mrs Walkden's favourite thing in the world is shoes! She enlisted the children with a task, to bling up a boring pair of shoes for her, the the same way as they had for Cinderella! The children delivered! Mrs Walkden wore her customised heels for assembly on Friday. The children were chuffed to bits!


Artis and Eva are our amazing medal winners this week! Well done! 

Next week we will be exploring the story Alice in Wonderland. We will be looking at ordinal numbers in maths. Steve and Mrs Murphy will be here for more active fun in dance and football skills and it is our Danceathon on Tuesday!



I sent home another sponsorship form with every child on Friday (just in case you didn't have one). We are very much need to raise the funds to replace our playground equipment. The children deserve and need it more than ever! All sponsorship contributions, big or small are appreciated and will help us to make this happen. heart Tuesday is going to be brilliant and the children are going to be very busy! Early nights all round on Tuesday night!

Here is a photo round up of our lovely week.

Have a lovely weekend folks.

Mrs Cook x

