Today's Timetable
1 Good Morning from Mrs Gill
2 Zoom calls to 2 groups
3 Dividing Maths
4 English of the day
5 Topic work
6 Choose a story for story time
2 Zoom calls
Please can you bring a toy, your favourite book and a piece of work to show on the zoom? I can’t wait to see you all from Mrs Gill
3 Marvellous Maths
Today's maths will be a shorter session because we are having our zoom calls.
Let's warm up with counting in 100's.
We are going to look at this video to help us learn about dividing. Have fun dance along
sing along to the football song!
Please look at the relationship between multiplication and division in this video.
Can you answer the questions?
4 English of the day
a) Phonics of the day (7 mins)
Today we look at past and present tense with Felix. I love Felix! Watch, enjoy and learn.
Phase 6 Phonics for Kids #3 - Past and Present Tense - YouTube
b) Adjectives (Grammar of the day)
Today we will have a look at adjectives used to describe nouns in sentences. Please watch this little video it says Year 1 but please ignore this as I really like the way they explain how to make a noun phrase at the end. Using adjectives to describe will really improve your writing and make it interesting for the reader.
c) Instruction writing (30 mins)
Can you watch Mrs Ogden making the lollipops and can you write a set of instructions to tell Mrs Gill how to make one?
If anyone wants to have a try at making them please do. (Don't worry about Mrs Ogden saying hello 2D she wanted to share her ice lollies with you!)
Can you use the starters that you used yesterday First, Next, Then, After that and Finally?
Can you think of more bossy verbs?
Please remember to use your best handwriting and write a set of at least 5/6 instructions. I have been so impressed with the standard of the work I have seen. I know it's not easy working at home but I'd like to say I'm super impressed with all the work I've seen from both the keyworker children and those who are working at home! I know your parents must be so proud of every one of you!
Please can you ask email this piece of work to me?
4 Super Science with Mrs Hart
It's been a bit of a science week so far this week and Mrs Hart has recorded the second part of her science investigation work.
Enjoy watching and enjoy the quiz!
Now that you have listened carefully to Mrs Hart you can take part in the quiz!