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Spring 2

Friday 8th April

We have had a fun and very busy week. The children loved 'sporty maths' on Monday. We used number bonds in a variety of ways to beat Mr Shingler at the games! 

As part of Science Week, we had a walk to Victoria Park looking at signs of spring. The children have learn about plant life cycles and enjoyed seeing nature in action. 1C were very well behaved too, well done!

We have also completed an investigation using bubbles with Mrs Hart, and in class we have painted daffodils, and made a 'handy gardener' glove. As they grow, the children will be able to see how seeds germinate and which seedlings grow first. There is some more information about this experiment below. (The gloves are biodegradable.)

On Wednesday we enjoyed an Easter egg hunt. Today we have the Easter raffle assembly, and a surprise activity outdoors! laugh

Get ready for Scootfit !

The children had lots of fun in the sunshine. Some very good scooting skills in 1C🛴


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Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Over the holidays, please finish your reading books ready for the first week back. I have also sent home a phonics task to complete, and if you log on to Education City we have set activities to consolidate the phonics learning under 'homework'. Please email me if you need your log in details

The children have had their spelling test today. We have kept the books in school,so we can stick in next term’s words. They will have the books on the Monday we return, ready for a test on the Friday. After that, we will continue with tests on Thursdays  ,as before.

Have a well deserved Easter break. We will see you on Monday 25th April.

Mrs O'Connell and Mrs Al-Noah xx

Friday 1st April

This week we have continued our work on Suddenly! by Colin McNaughton. The children have really enjoyed the story and we have used it for some fabulous writing.     


For our computing work, we have animated some of the characters using the Chatterpix app. We had fantastic fun!

We have also begun our money work in Maths. We are recognising the coins and using them to add totals, counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. We have added some games to our maths folder (see above).

In PE we filmed our paso doble. 1C have loved practising this dance and I hope they have been recreating it at home for you too! It's a 10 from me!

1C Dance

Please also see our new 'phonics games' page above.

As you will have seen on the letter, it is Science week next week. Please can you sign and return the slip that is in your child’s book bag as soon as possible. 1C are hoping to visit the park on Thursday.

Mrs O'Connell and Mrs Al-Noah Xx

Friday 25th March 

It was great for be able to meet and discuss your child’s progress this week at our parents’ evening.We hope you enjoyed looking at their work and seeing their achievements. Hopefully, we were also able to point out areas in which you can help your child continue to make progress.They are lucky to have such wonderful supportive parents 😊
As it is Mother’s Day this weekend we talked about how mums are so brilliant.

Here are some examples of what they wrote. 

You may spot a likeness !

( do check book bags for a lovely card surprise 😉)

Have a super sunny weekend and hope mums have a special Sunday 

Mrs Al-Noah and Mrs O’Connell 


Monday 21st March

Thank you so much for remembering to bring in scarves/ tea towels/ capes for PE. We have practised the routine again today and Mr Shingler would like us to do it again next week and to video it fully. Please can we keep the 'capes' until Monday. Thank you! 

Mrs O'Connell 

Friday 18th March

This week the children have enjoyed using their senses outside and have used their Science knowledge of the spring season to write fantastic poetry. We can't wait to show you next week at Parent's Evening. They worked in groups to come up with ideas and have listened to each other's poems.

Please can children bring a scarf or tea towel into school with them on Monday (21/3/22) for their dance session with Mr Shingler when they will be doing the Paso Doble. 


Also, thank you grown ups for your patience at the end of the day when we are seeing the children out. The children have been impeccably behaved and we are very proud at how they have adapted to the new routines. 


Have a great weekend,

Mrs O'Connell and Mrs Al-Noah Xx

Week ending 11th March 

This week we looked at the work of sculptor artist Andy Goldsworthy, who uses objects from nature to create amazing pieces of art.

The children were then inspired to have a go themselves. They realised that you don’t need paint,crayons or even paper to create art !

Week ending 4th March

Over the last week, the children have had their first opportunity to borrow and return a book from the school library. They can keep the book they choose for one week and enjoy sharing it at home with you. If they would like to keep it an additional week, they can request this when it is time to change the books. The children have access to a range of fiction and non fiction books, they have really enjoyed making their selection and some have even put requests in for particular authors!


Recently we have enjoyed learning about flowers and plants, and the different parts of plants. The children especially liked using the magnifying glass to be detectives looking closely at the flowers. 

In PE we are learning the paso doble - my goodness what passionate dancers we have in 1C!


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

We have also done some science investigating using our sense of smell, taste, touch and hearing. We had great fun!

The highlight of this week was World Book Day. The children loved wearing their costumes and talking about stories they enjoy. They also wrote about their favourite book characters. Thank you for your efforts and kind donations, the money raised will go towards new books in school. 

Please also see our new 'maths games' tab at the top of the page. We think you will enjoy them.

Love Mrs O'Connell and Mrs Al-Noah xx

Week ending 25th February 

The children have come back from the break ready to continue learning and happy to see their friends again. We have started our new topic, ‘In the garden’, by looking at different kinds of flowers. We have been using non fiction  books to find information on plant parts and life cycles. In art we have looked at Van Gogh’s sunflower paintings and began having a go at our own.

In maths we continued our work on place value, comparing numbers using the language  ‘greater than ‘  and ‘less than ‘ . Also looking at one more and one less than a number. The children enjoy this basketball game on place value and could play again at home.

Don’t forget World book day next Thursday. The children can come dressed as a ‘goodie’ or ‘baddie‘ character from a book. A donation towards new books for our classroom book corner would be very much appreciated. As it is also our football lesson on Thursday,please make sure the children do have suitable footwear. They can bring a change of shoes if necessary for their costume.

The  sun is out, have a great weekend 🌞 

Mrs Al-Noah and Mrs O’Connell

Monday 21st February 2022

Welcome back everyone! Please continue with your reading and phonics homework as before the half term holiday. Spelling books will be sent home this Thursday with new spelling lists ready to be tested the following Thursday. Everyone has put an amazing effort in last half term well done! laugh

Please see the newsletter above for an update on our learning for this half term.

Mrs O'Connell xx 
