Week ending 16/12
It’s been a lovely week in school. Please see the photographs from our panto and party.
Lostock family of schools girls first football tournament and boys mini matches.
A Santa dash walk and a play in the park
Please enjoy the class Christmas photographs
Wow what fabulous behaviour from all of 2F this week. It's been a busy week, rehearsals costumes plays and continuing with our best work!
The children were amazing in the show and what a show it was! All the children benefitted from singing, acting, enjoying and speaking out loud. These are memories that will last forever.
The children have loved the adventure of the elf in the classroom and enjoy the elf costume we can wear if we find him first!
In maths we have been exploring word problems in multiplication and division and next week we move onto fractions halves, quarters and thirds.
Next week will be exciting as we have many things planned.
Tuesday-please send your child in leggings or jogging bottoms and a warm coat togther with gloves and hat and an extra item of Christmas cheer. This can be a Christmas jumper, a Christmas hat some tinsel or another Xmas item.2F and 2L are off for a "Santa dash" (walk) to the park!
Next week is the panto on Wednesday and the party on Thursday. Please send your child ready for the party.
if possible please could we ask for a donation for the party on Monday? We will be buying party food, special plates and cups and party prizes for the children and will collect the money on Monday morning in the playground in a shiny tin. Many thanks for supporting us to have so many lovely things in school.
Rehearsals are well under way for a fabulous show. I'm sure all the parents are excited for the performances on Wednesday and Thursday. Make sure you have your tickets any last minute requests please see Mrs Walkden.
The children are very excited about performing and musically their singing is superb.
In maths this week we have continued to learn about division and have been completing our end of term assessments in maths and reading.
As we have now finished the Floppy phonics scheme we have replaced the worksheets with some comprehension worksheets. Class 2F love comprehensions and enjoy finding answers in the text.
This week we have written instructions for santa getting dressed and have learnt that instructions need to be written in a certain order.
A great week in school 2F!
We thought you would like to see the progress we have made in judo since the start of the course in September. We have progressed onto one on one judo contests. The rules are you can only grab the judo suit and must try to get the competitor over the circular line.
The children enjoy the rope game too where they have to grab the rope and get it back to their place in the line before the opponent gets the chance to grab it back or pull.
We have finished our year 2 course and have been extremely lucky to fund this program through the sports partnership.
We hope to establish a judo club before school on Fridays next term so the children can continue to progress. If your child is interested in pursuing more judo please contact me and I will send you the providers details. They have links to local clubs,
Fire Fire
This week we have been learning about the Great Fire of London and we have been exploring Samuel Pepys diary and writing our own excerpt. We have looked at why the houses in London burned down so quickly and why the fire service in 1666 was not effective in putting out the fire.
We did a reenactment of the fire (very safely) on the playground and even had a couple of pretend firemen guarding our 2 buckets of water. Mr Logan was in charge of starting the fire and as you can hear the children enjoyed singing the song with very meaningful words.
In maths this week we have been introducing division and the children are starting to recognise the division sign. It would be helpful to try the white rose app and the fast division aims to reinforce this.
This week we are assessing the children’s Maths and English work and setting new targets for each individual. I’m very impressed with the progress of 2F.
We are well into rehearsals for the play the children are so excited to be part of a whole key stage one production and Year 2 lead the way as it’s their final year in the Infant school. With covid the last time these children were able to be involved in the plays was in nursery and as those of you with older siblings know our plays are fantastic. It’s such a shame the children have missed two years of performances but the confidence I’m seeing with the singing, dancing and acting and the excitement of the costumes and stage is fabulous to see. I’’m sure you can’t wait! Please make sure you have ordered your tickets!
It was lovely to meet all the parents on Wednesday and Thursday evening to discuss your child’s progress. I’m sure you were all very proud of your children’s work and books just as we are.
This week we have been exploring firework poetry, remembrance day and materials in science.
In maths we have been exploring column addition and subtraction and missing numbers. We have also looked at tally charts and enjoyed using the gate method.
We have started rehearsing for the school Christmas play and we really do have the best singers in 2F.
Please see the homework icon for notes on this week’s homework.
Just to clarify maths homework will be issued on Fridays to support the work completed during the week in school. This is aimed at consolidating the topic and to secure the methods we have been using during the week. Please see Mrs Gill if you are in any way unsure of the method and please pop a note on the work to indicate if your child found it easy or difficult. If there are any difficulties we will help and re explain at school.
(Please note the differentiated tasks are set to the level your child is working at in class.)
Thank you for all support with homework tasks. They really do have an impact on your child’s progress as they rehearse and practice the skills learned at school.
Welcome back.
What a fantastic week, the children have settled down well to work and play.
As a special treat this week we brought out the large climbing frames and enjoyed balancing and rolling on the mats and benches.
We have had a mini topic week this week where we have been studying Guy Fawkes and bonfire night. We have produced safety posters and have looked at the language of instructions.
We have been reading book 34 of the phonic scheme and have been looking at some very tricky alternative sounds.
We have been completing sentences using co-ordination, adjectives and noun phrases.
In maths we have been revising addition and subtraction to 100 starting with a 2 digit number and adding on ones and then adding on tens. We completed some TU +TU sums using the tens and ones method. Later in the week we completed addition of 3 and 4 single digit numbers and some graph work.
We looked at materials that are used to build a house in science in preparation for our Great Fire of London topic and gave reasons for why certain materials are better suited.
We looked at where the Houses of Parliament are situated in London and looked at London landmarks.
Next week we will be looking at Remembrance Day as our main topic and in maths we will be starting the vertical addition and subtraction method..
Please see the homework section for an app for the children to try.
Please make sure you look at the trip icon to explore the wonderful photographs of the trip.
This week we have studied the work of Lowry in school and have learnt about the colours and textures of art materials he uses.
In Geography we have been looking at Manchester and its position on the GB map. WE have been locating all the parts of the UK and the capital cities.
In maths we have been exploring number bond 10 and 20 and preparing ourselves for the addition and subtraction work ahead next half term. The more your child knows their number bonds the easier they will find the addition and subtraction and be able to spot patterns.
We have been learning about Emmeline Pankhurst this week and have researched her statue in Manchester for the forthcoming trip.
In RE we are looking at Christianity and have been exploring the story of the Good Samaritan and why Christians celebrate harvest. We have been writing autumn poems and enjoying using rhyming words.
Maths this week has been all about money. Wow! the children had such great knowledge of money.
Judo has been exciting as we are exploring different types of moves. The video clip will show you how much we have advanced since the start of the course.
A good week. We have been studying little red riding hood in English and have been looking at addition and subtraction in maths.
PE has been very active and the children are superb at basketball. It’s amazing to see so many children at clubs enjoying themselves.
Thank you for all your support in reading homework. I can see a huge difference as the children are progressing well with their shared books. The new phonics books although they appear quite easy are a chance to rehearse skills and discuss some of the interesting non-fiction content. Many families have really enjoyed the bridges book especially,
Here are the latest photos from our Paddington model making and our judo sessions. We have now progressed to wearing the kit and you can see how smart it looks!
Just a few notes about Year 2 homework in 2F.
To make it easy for us all homework is to to be completed and brought back to school every Monday.
1 This week the children have their own set of individual spellings to learn (This consists of current spelling errors taken directly from each child’s individual book) No sentences are required whilst we are completing the phonics worksheet but once we finish the Floppy phonics scheme we will introduce sentence writing to support the spellings and handwriting.
2 Maths homework
This week maths homework consists of two tasks.
Each task should only take approx 10/15 each
1 Each individual child has had their mental maths assessed and now has individual mental maths targets. The areas coloured yellow on the sheet are the targets I would like your child to work on. As we approach multiplication and division being able to count in multiples of 2,5,10 and 3 is both essential for making this easy to understand and for fluency, Every child has their own unique maths counting targets.
2 Please play a quiz with the shape names. We are working hard to make sure that all the children can name each and every 2D and 3D shape.
3 This week we have been counting in tens from any 2 digit number forwards and backwards. Please can you help your child to calculate the sums by counting forwards and backwards in tens. Eg 53+ 20 is 53+10+10
53, 63, 73
I have enclosed a hundred square if you think your child will require some help to count in tens.
If anyone needs any further explanation please don’t hesitate to be in touch,
Welcome to week 2.
We have had a busy week and I’ve put some photos on to show some of the great work.
Please see the school Year 2 curriculum newsletter attached for coverage of our topics.
I will be sending home spellings next week and I will begin by sending out some individual words for your child. Spellings will be given out Monday/Tuesday for a return the following Monday. Sentences will not required.
The class have settled in well and the first two medal winners Aalia and Sol have worn the medal with pride.
Watch out for the class 2F comic winner too!
What a lovely start to the new school year! Welcome to Year 2 and to 2F. I'm sorry that some of the children missed the welcome video which the key stage one teachers had placed into 'Welcome to key stage 1' section on the website so I've added it here as well.
PE days will be Mondays and Fridays from next week. Mr Shingler is our PE teacher on Mondays and for this term we will be having Judo Education sessions on Friday mornings. Next term (post Xmas) we will be swapping days from Friday but I'll let you know more near the time the sport and day. The main reason for this is so we can give the children as many different experiences of different sport as possible so we will rotate sessions around school.
Reading books will be changed regularly in 2F. There won't be a set day but we are encouraging the children to place their books each morning in the colour pots in the classroom. Please can parents make sure they write a comment or record the pages read in the reading record diary. We recommend 10/15 minutes per day although we do appreciate some nights are busier than others.
I'm so impressed with the children who have been getting to know new routines and systems in Year 2.
It's a pleasure to get to know the children and I'll come over and introduce myself whenever I get the opportunity in the next week or two to put names to faces.
Enjoy the rest of the week 2F and keep working brilliantly!