Hello Parents,
What more can I say than I will really miss those smiling faces in the classroom! We had a lovely day on Monday taking about our holidays and what better time to have extra time at home than post Christmas where children have extra toys or games to enjoy.
I have been stocking up on supplies for an unexpected time like this so you will have a few more resources than the previous lockdown.
Your child should have several sets of spellings in their spelling book please continue the great work on spellings and sentence work it really is making a difference to the quality of your child’s work. Your child should have several reading books but again as I recommended over the Christmas period please read books from home comics papers and even packaging on food. The children were given some comprehensions several weeks ago some may have completed these already but if you haven’t use these to supplement reading books.
Please remember that some children (and indeed adults) find working at home more difficult than others. Please try and continue Maths and English in small chunks daily and do as much as is suitable and enjoyable. Encourage the children by saying that you will email a picture and show me the work they have been doing. This usually is works as a motivation because they like to impress the teachers!
Enjoy having fun, baking, playing outside when we can, taking a walk and watching some tv programmes like bbc bite size which all help children understand about the world.
I’ll find some interesting game on Education City to support what we are learning about in class!
Our new topic is about Snow and Ice so watch out for lots of polar animals and entering a world learning about the Arctic and Antarctic.
Take care and keep safe and well
Mrs Gill
PS I have now uploaded more Christmas items as I had a problem logging on over Xmas. Please take a look!
A huge happy new year and hello to all the children in 2F and your families.
To the children
This is not how we imagined to start our new school year is it? I won’t be able to see you for a few weeks but I’ll be keeping in touch with you all on the class page and by email. It’s just so sad that we can’t all be together we have an amazing class and I know you will miss your friends. But time will fly quickly I just know it!
You will have a new set of activities every day. Online learning will start on Thursday will maths English and a topic lesson. We will be sending a few music and PE lessons to keep you active and keep you happy and smiling!
Some work will be written and some will
be practical. You have two books at home which you might find useful. A yellow book with your photo on for writing activities and a maths book with squared paper to help you set out sums and draw pictures to work out your mathematical answers. Please use both these books to help you. You can stick things in them too!
Look out for our daily star peaceful time stories and whatever the star is make sure you try and achieve that goal in the day! I’m going to be telling you some winter stories so watch out for the daily story to enjoy! We might have a guest speaker or two too!
Keep smiling work hard and be very very good for your grown ups!
from Mrs Gill
Key Worker Information
We reopen for key worker children tomorrow. Timings are the usual Year 2 times and gates. Children should wear non-uniform clothing.