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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.

Week beginning 7th June

Hello everybody!

We have had a fantastic first week back to school and we have had some great weather.

The children have settled straight back in to the routine of school and Miss Edwards and I were super pleased to see them all.

Thank you for supporting the children in helping them to complete their Gingerbread Man Diary. We have shared these as a class and the children are very proud of the work they have produced.

The topic term is called On the Move. We will be finding out about journeys and transport and we have some great activities planned. We started the topic this week by discussing what journeys we take on our feet, travelling around our home , school, from home to school and around our local area. The children thought about what type of footwear the would need for different journeys and they did a great job of remembering what they pass and see on their way to school and what buildings they see around their local area.

The children have continued to blow Miss Edwards and I away with the learning of their phonics, reading and also with their letter formation this week. They are putting their best efforts into all that they do. We have created a pictogram this week to discover which is the most popular way to travel to school in Reception 1. Travelling by scooter was the most popular.

Each class has been very lucky to receive a trolley of new outdoor equipment. Due to the super weather we have had this week, the children have been able to try the equipment out and they have had lots of fun. We have enjoyed a lot of outdoor learning and fun this week, especially junk modelling, water play and creating obstacle courses.

We have had a dance session with Mrs Murphy and our first football session with one of the Manchester United coaches. As always, the children were very well behaved and they listened carefully to what they were asked to do and they had fun!

We celebrated Robert's birthday (which was in the holidays) in our Friday assembly and Arthur was our medal winner for working hard at home to practise his reading and for super neat handwriting. Well done Arthur!

We have also been finding out about time and clocks this week. Did you hear about the Time Thief who took the clock from our classroom?

Please enjoy looking through some of the photos from this week.

I hope you are all enjoying a lovely weekend and Miss Edwards and I will ready to go on Monday morning for another fantastic week.


Mrs Spooner x
