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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.

Week beginning 30th March and 6th April 2020

We would like you to continue this week with a musical theme. Please visit the website below to find a new song each day to learn. You may not want to learn all of them but there are some very good ones- even a song about chocolate which we are going to learn!


  • If you have your ocarina at home please continue to practise this. 

Have a go at this jazzy version of Twinkle Twinkle on YouTube- please only access YouTube with a grown up present.


You could also have a go at making your own instrument with only a few items needed. This idea looks like lots of fun!

  • In school we would have been learning about Easter and how it is celebrated by Christians. Can you find some facts about how Easter is celebrated in our country? 
  • If you would like to know about the Easter story there is a short video on bbc that explains it very well.
