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Welcome back! We hope you all had a fantastic break. PLEASE NOTE THAT SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHS TUESDAY 8TH OCTOBER 2024

Summer 1

********Please read the newsletter attached************

Week 6


This week we had so much fun painting with our feet! We stepped into the green paint to create a giant tree with beautiful green leaves on it. The children loved the feeling of the paint and then washing their feet in the warm, soapy water. 


The children practised using the number fans at carpet time this week-they were so good at finding the number and holding it up!

Week 5


This week we have been linking numerals with amounts. We have been carefully counting and then matching the correct number to the amount. The children have also explored maths through the drive-through cafe we have had in the outdoors. There were some very expensive coffees on sale at £80!!!


We have continued to develop our phonic knowledge by practising songs from our phonic scheme. We have been identifying sounds in words this week and beginning to make marks/letters to represent these sounds.


We finally had a froglet appear in our tank, which was very exciting! 


We are continuing to develop the  independence of the children by encouraging them to collect their own lunchboxes, water bottles, label work that isn't finished, write their name on artwork and help themselves to water, when needed. 

We have also been busy planting marigolds to attract insects. 

Week 4


This week we have been busy playing bingo in our phonics session. The children had to match the sound to the picture on their board- we had fun shouting BINGO!!!


Outdoors, we have been making shakers and recreating the band scene from our key text 'Toddle Waddle'. Below is a link on the Tiny Happy People website to show the value of this type of activity.


Our tadpoles are thriving! 



The children enjoyed watching Mrs Peters change the water in the tadpole tank. 

Week 3


This week we have been busy preparing for the Coronation celebrations. We have made some fantastic crowns, we measured our heads and then used the stapler to connect the piece of card together. We have created patterns with some very colourful jewels and listened to a great book all about King Charles III. The children have enjoyed making their own tea parties in the home corner and enjoyed serving drink/food from the drive-through cafe outdoors.

We had our party on Friday and it was so much fun! We had a lovely picnic and some funky music to dance along to.

Week 2


This week full-time and morning children went over to Victoria Park. We had a lovely time exploring the signs of spring and enjoying the sunshine! Thank you to all our helpers. I will be taking the afternoon children on the 9th May- if you can help please let me know.

We have been exploring transient art, using some of the natural materials we found in the park and in our outdoor environment. We had some fantastic creations and wonderful language used. Some children chose to make patterns with the natural resources available.



The children have also been busy retelling the story of Stanley's Stick using the story sack in the reading corner. We have also continued to sign in for our register, but this week on the outdoor easel. 

Edit- I am so sorry, I got a bit ahead of myself and posted this in Summer 2!

Week 1


I can't believe we are in the summer term already! It has been lovely welcoming the children back into school.


This week we have really enjoyed using our new mud kitchen area where we have been using the blossom to make some 'delicious' creations!


The children have been busy signing into a register each morning, working really hard to write their own name. 


We have been noticing patterns and enjoyed making some with the pegs and peg boards on the maths table.




We learnt about Eid and made cards to give to people that were celebrating.


Please can all parents make sure they have given their permission for their child to go to the park- please speak to me on Monday if you have not done this. 
