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Week beginning 23rd March 2020

So far this half term we have sharing and learning about Traditional Fairy Tales. So far, we have explored several tales and the children have loved it. We have been shocked at Goldilock's rudeness, found Cinderella's step-sisters to be terribly mean and we all felt that the Big Bad Wolf deserved everything that came to him!


This week we would like you to share the much loved Traditional Tale 'Jack and the Beanstalk'. There's a link here to an ebook that you can read to your child (ren)...


Once you've read it ask them:

Who are the characters? Can you write some good describing words about the characters? 

Where does the story take place? Can you draw a picture of the setting and a sentence to describe it?

What happens at the beginning, the middle and the end? Can you draw a story map of the tale? Can you write a few sentences to explain what happens at each stage? can you mix the story up and put it back into the right sequence?

What is the problem in the story? How is the problem solved? 

Does the story have a message/a moral?


When we write sentences we use the High 5 Rules...

  • Capital letter to begin a sentence
  • Finger spaces to separate words
  • Use our phonics (decodable words) and our sight memory (tricky words) to spell words
  • A full stop to end a sentence
  • Check that what we have written makes sense for the reader




Here is a link to Oxford Owl. Sign up and look at the ebooks. The ebooks are Book Band Colour coded just like your child's reading books. Read away!!!!!


It goes with out saying-read to and with the children in abundance. heart
