Hello Reception 1 families.
Our caterpillars are busy eating away and are beginning to grow a little fatter.
The children have been busy creating minibeasts with playdough and cakes.
We have displayed the observational drawings of daffodils and the symmetrical butterflies on the wall in the classroom. The children are proud to see their work on the wall.
As part of our maths and technology the children have enjoyed programming the Beebot (programmable toy) to move. They moved from one minibeast to the other. The children worked together and had lots of fun!
Our beans have started to sprout! Some are beginning to grow roots and shoots. Next week we will transfer them into pots and compost.
To finish the week we enjoyed a yoga session about Squish the Fish. Everybody joined in and enjoyed themselves. Our medal winner this week is Zeeshan. He has continued to work hard at home, even when he was on holiday.
I look forward to talking to you all on Wednesday and Thursday at parent's evening.
Miss Edwards and I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Take care
Mrs Spooner x