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Reminder - School closes at 3pm Friday 14th February 2025 and will open again on Monday 24th February 2025 at 9am.

Monday Remote Learning 11/1

Monday's Timetable 11/1/21

1 Good morning

2 Star of the day card

3 Marvellous maths

4 Spelling test

5 English work

6 Get Fit with Mr Shingler

7 Snowy topic work

1 Good Morning from Mrs Gill

2 Star card of the day




Still image for this video

                                 A note about our maths topic 

In Year 2 we are going to be completing a mini topic of multiplication and division over the next two weeks. We started to work on this topic in class before Christmas so this work will extend what the children already know by new worksheets and videos that involve completing puzzles, word problems and games.


 Alongside this it will be beneficial for your child to spend ten minutes on their counting target. These targets are stuck inside the reading record book and include   counting targets for multiples of 2's to 24, 5's to 60, 10's to 120, 3's to 36 and 4's to 48 (extensions could be 6's to 72, 7's to 84, 8's 96 and 9's to 108 if they have already completed these)  

Please continue to count forwards and backwards in each of these numbers.


It will also be beneficial to start learning off by heart the 2 times table and the 10 times table. Check to see if your child can give you an answer to 5*10=     8*10=    (testing out of order will help.(


It's easiest to learn the 10* table first then the 2*table as the children will already know their doubles. If your child already  know these tables then please move onto 5 times table , 3 times table and 4 times tables. Each child is at a different point in their counting and tables recall. Please do what your child is able and up to. There are plenty of songs and helpful resources on "youtube" for each times table if you need more ideas. 


Please just do as much of the maths work as you feel is right for your child each day. I have put on quite a few games that the children may like to choose from.  


3 Marvellous Maths

Today's multiplication maths focusses on making equal groups and adding equal groups. 

Please watch the videos and answer the questions   

If you would like to play the multiplication games on education city this will reinforce the maths work we have done today.

Have fun! 

4 Spelling test

Mondays are normally our spelling test days.  Please can you try and learn a set of spelling every week. I prepared the spelling books with 4/6 weeks worth of spellings. Please feel free to photograph and send me the spelling test if your child would like to show me. Spellings are the key to being a fantastic writer.      

5 English work



In our English lesson today, we are going to be thinking about different types of sentences. It is important to remember to write your sentences with a capital letter at the beginning and a full stop at the end but sometimes, you need to use different punctuation, like question marks too. 

Have a look at the clip below. It explains a little bit more about how to write questions.


Practise writing a question mark. Remember that it sits above the line. 


I would like you to watch the powerpoint and complete the activities. In your yellow book, you can write down your animal sentences and your questions about the 'upside down' house. You can just talk to your grown up about the activities on the other slides.


When you are writing your animal sentences, please remember to use adjectives to make your sentences more interesting. You could say 'The giraffe has brown patches all over it and it has a long thin neck.'


When you are writing questions for the 'upside down' house picture, remember to try and use different question words. Don't forget your question mark at the end.



Watch this powerpoint and write the sentences

6 Keep fit with Mr Shingler! 
7 Snowy topic work

We are going to look at where we would find Polar Animals in the world.

Enjoy watching the Antarctica BBC bitesize pages and enjoy the activities.

How many can you remember and find on the map?   