Hello Reception 1 families!
I hope you are all enjoying a lovely weekend.
We have had another fantastic week with your children this week. Your little stars seem to shine brighter each week!
This week in our maths we have started to follow the White Rose Maths scheme and we have been very busy sorting and matching. The children have sorted and paired socks and buttons and many other objects.
There is lots of information for parents and resources on the site that you can use at home, if you wish. It also offers a great insight into how early maths is delivered.
We have also started Floppy's Phonics and this week we have focused on learning the sounds s and a. The children have been learning to recognise these sounds at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of a word. They have also been trying extremely hard to hold a pencil with a secure pencil grip to enable them to have a go at forming the letter sound correctly. The children are also learning to write their names, forming each letter correctly.
Please see the attached letter from Mrs Walkden all about the scheme...
We have made a start on our topic 'It's Good To Be Me!' We shared the story It's Ok To Be Different. The children enjoyed the story and it was a great starting point for discussion.
On Friday the children met Mrs Akhtar, who is going to be reception 1's dinner lady from Monday. Mrs Lavelle will now be supporting another class in school.
WOW moments- these were sent home this week in your child's book bag. They are for you to complete and send in to school so that you can share WOW moments from home. Miss Edwards and I are looking forward to reading these.
I sent home a letter on Friday to alert you to our reading routines and what we need from you.
To recap please help your child by...
Writing in their yellow reading record EVERY TIME you read with them.
If you're wondering what you need to write...
We need this feedback from you because we are a partnership and we want to share your home reading experiences with you to help us to build a picture of your child's progress at home and at school. Also, your indicating that they have read their book at home tells us that their book needs to be changed. If you don't indicate, then their book will remain unchanged.
Please make sure that your child's reading folder is in their book bag EVERY DAY. The children don't have a set reading day so their reading folder is needed daily.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
This week we have a new medal winner - Mia. She has received the medal for being kind and caring towards her friends, always trying her best with all she is asked to do. Well done Mia, you are a super star!
Next week we will be finding out about our homes and families. Please could you either send in a picture of your child with their family or email it to me so that we can look at the photographs and talk about our families and how they may be different.
In Floppy's Phonics and learning to make a letter/sound correspondence with t and p. In maths we will be comparing amounts i.e. which is more, fewer/less or are they the same?
Have a look at what we have been up to this week
I hope you have enjoyed reading about what we have be busy doing.
Please see the attached information below.
Take care
Mrs Spooner x