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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.

Week beginning 21st June

It has been a busy week in Reception 1! We started the week off by talking about what foods are healthy and what foods are not. The children created their own healthy eating plates. We then moved on to looking at how we can travel on land. The children thought of many different vehicles. We have been labelling the different parts of vehicles and thinking about what is our favourite land vehicle.

As a class we shared a fantastic book called The Naughty Bus by Jan & Jerry Oke.

The children are thoroughly enjoying this wonderful text and all the activities we have linked to it. They have built buildings with wooden blocks for the naughty bus to drive past, created a picture showing a new adventure the bus will go on and some of the children have chosen their favourite picture from the book and explained why the chose it.

We have have had fun and games in our outdoor area, dance with Mrs Murphy and football skills with Steve & Sam. Your children continue to impress our PE coaches with their fantastic listening skills and behaviour. You should be very proud of them - Miss Edwards and I certainly are!

There have been no birthdays this week, but we did give out two medals! Yes two!!

Orlagh is a medal winner because she is working really hard practising her blending and reading at home and we can see how her confidence has developed. Well done Orlagh! Our other medal winner is Joshua. He has been incredibly brave this week after hurting his elbow. This has not stopped Joshua from being a kind and friendly little boy who always tries hard with whatever he is asked to do. Well done Joshua! I wonder who will get our medals next week?

Please enjoyed looking through some of this weeks photographs.

Thank you grown ups for your continued support. I hope you are all enjoying a lovely weekend.

Take care

Mrs Spooner x
