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Welcome back! We hope you all had a fantastic break. PLEASE NOTE THAT SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHS TUESDAY 8TH OCTOBER 2024

Week 3

Hello Reception 1 families!

May I start with a great big THANK YOU to all you fantastic parents/carers for supporting your children and us with their homework sheets and reading books.  We have had a really busy week in R1.  The children have continued to amaze me with their enthusiastic approach to learning and playing.  We have enjoyed sharing information all about our families with our friends during our topic sessions.  We have begun our amazing self-portraits, and discussed our lovely face shapes, skin tones.   The children have enjoyed some fantastic learning opportunities in our outdoor area.   We have made some super spoon people this week too. 

In our maths session we have been looking at numbers of significance.   

Following on from our maths lesson, the children made birthday cakes with the number of candles for their age.   We  had lots of fun

making a our families using wooden spoons and craft resources.   

Mr Shingler is very impressed with how the children have joined in, and followed his instructions during his PE lessons. 


I hope you have enjoyed looking at the photographs.

Have a super weekend

Miss Edwards x


Please click on the link below to view the Autumn 1 'Getting to know you, getting to know me' curriculum information.
