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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.

Week 3 Week Beginning 15th November

Happy Friday everybody!

Week 3 has absolutely flown by! This week has been Anti-Bullying week, Road Safety week, National Nursery Rhyme week and Children in Need today. We started the week by talking as a class how we would like to be treated by others and how we can make somebody else feel happy. We had a chat about 'one kind word' and the children came up with a great list of words. We also talked about what is not kind behaviour or words. To finish off, the children created a kindness heart by tearing and sticking coloured paper.


The children have enjoyed singing nursery rhymes and we managed to link some of them in to our maths work, based around the number 5. We sang 5 little ducks and 5 little men in a flying saucer. In maths the children have really engaged in consolidating their knowledge of 4 and 5. They can count, recognise the number and sorting images according to if there are 4 or 5 objects. Miss Edwards and I have been really impressed!

The children have enjoyed the Numberblocks helping them to learn their numbers to 5.


In phonics this week we have learnt the sounds u and r. Please encourage your child to continue to practise their sounds at home. PE continues to be super lessons as always. The children are becoming more confident to show their friends what they can do. You will see some action shots in the pictures below.


To help raise money for Children in Need, it was wear something colourful today. It was lovely to see so many colourful outfits and a few Blush and Pudsey ears! We had a sunny celebration assembly in the playground today and we have a new medal winner.

Maxi is our medal winner. He is hard working, both at school and at home, he is a lovely friend and is kind and caring towards others. Maxi is a happy, smiley boy in our classroom.

I hope that gives you a snapshot in to our busy week. Thank you to the parents who attended the zoom meetings this week and thank you for your continued support,


I hope you have a lovely weekend.

Take care

Mrs Spooner x


