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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.

Week 3 week beginning 17th January

Happy weekend everybody!

Your children really have been super stars this week. They are becoming so much more confident within themselves, completing tasks on their own, joining in with whole class sessions and answering questions and sharing ideas.

The children are really enjoying our Toy topic. We have already talked about different types of toys, what materials they are made from and how they work. Next week we will look at the difference in the toys they play with now compared to the toys they played with as a baby.

In maths we have continued to consolidate our knowledge of 5. Looking at ways to make 5, comparing amounts and looking at 2 and 3 groups that make 5 altogether. 

In phonics we have introduced j as in jug and v as in van. Please encourage your child to practise their sounds, reading and helpful words daily.

In literacy the children have been developing their segmenting skills to enable them to write words independently. They are all using their phonic knowledge to help them write the correct sounds. If your child enjoys to write at home, please encourage them to use the correct letter formation. If they form a letter incorrectly, please model for them how to write it correctly.

We have had 2 successful PE sessions this week continuing to develop football and basketball skills.


Stanley was our medal winner this week for his great efforts in his maths and his phonics, especially his blending in guided reading. Well done Stanley - keep up the good work!


Miss Edwards and I hope you all have a great weekend!

Please enjoy looking at the photos below.

Take care

Mrs Spooner x 
