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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.

Week beginning 15th March

Friday 19th March

What a fun filled week! The children enjoyed being Professors and Doctors for the day for Science Day! We learnt about different types of scientists, inventors, and innovators, and we made our own paper aeroplanes, slime, bridges, chemical reactions.. and Mrs Hart showed us what happens when bubbles are trapped inside a container.. it involved a VERY big POP!!! We also watched a video about the day in the life of a microbiologist, one of our very own school mummys! We heard a lot of 'This is the best day ever's and 'I wish every day was Science Day!' Well done everyone and thank you Mrs Dempsey and Mrs Hart for organising it. laugh

Also this week we have been learning about the 2 times table and how to spot odd and even numbers, even if the number is a really big one like 183! The children have put a huge effort into their reading and writing, and also into remembering to make our manners super shiny again with quick tidying up times and being kind and helpful to one another. 
 Thursday and Friday mornings are now going to start with Mr Shingler’s wake up , shake up. A great way to begin the day ! I’m sure we will soon know all the moves 😊
We had a special zoom meeting with the juniors for Comic Relief Day. There were lots of laughs and chuckles , as each class told a joke. There were some cheesy ones ! 
The red clothing certainly brightened the day and can we say a big thank you for the donations.

Things to remember for next week:

PE clothes on Monday and Friday 

World Book Day on Tuesday - dress up as a book character if you'd like to

Here is the link to buy Easter raffle tickets (Please include your child's initial, surname and class name in the comments)


Have a wonderful weekend, 

Love Mrs O'Connell and Mrs Al-Noah xx

