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Week beginning 22nd June 2020

This week, we’d like you to read/ watch Handa's Surprise, and Handa's Noisy Night by Eileen Browne. 

Handa, the main character in the stories lives in South-West Kenya in a community of families called the 'Luo people'. 

We would like you to find out about nocturnal animals – especially the animals that live in Kenya. 

Here is some information on nocturnal animals. 

Nocturnal Animals (read aloud, storybook)

Nocturnal animals is a simple children's book describing several different night time animals.

  • You could write down the facts you find out about the animals, and perhaps write a story like Handa’s Noisy Night.  
  • Which is your favourite nocturnal animal? What do you like about them? 
  • Would you like to live with the animals in Handa's stories in Kenya?
  • You could write down your answers to these questions, or draw and label pictures of the animals.  
  • You could even write a story – taking inspiration and pinching ideas from ‘Handa’s Noisy Night’ or last week’s ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ - but have your hunt take place at night time! 

And finally, below there is a comprehension task about elephants. There are 3 different levels of difficulty to choose from. laugh
