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Reminder School Closes Thursday 24th October at 3pm. We welcome all pupils back on Monday 4th November 2024

Week 6

Reception one have had a great week this week. We have been finding out about the different parts of the body and the children enjoyed drawing around a friend (see the photos) and then labelling the parts. The children worked as a team thinking about where to put the labels. 

In maths we have been comparing capacity. The children were super at identify which containers were full, empty, half full, nearly full (see photos).

Why don't you have a go at home using different containers to show empty, full, half full, nearly empty. Miss Edwards and I would love to see photographs of you doing this. Please email pictures to


Trixie is our medal winner this week. Well done Trixie, keep up the hard work!


In phonics this week we have learnt m and d. The children are working really hard at blending the sounds we have learnt to read words.


On Wednesday it will be our Harvest festival. There will be a morning and an afternoon performance. We look forward to seeing you there. Don't forget to bring in a food donation on Monday. Next week is a short week. The children finish school on Thursday for half term as Friday is an INSET day for staff.


Enjoy looking through the pictures and have a lovely weekend.

Take care

Mrs Spooner x
