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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.

Week 4

Hello R2 Families

We have had another super week at school! We continued to discuss the importance of looking after our bodies and focused on dental hygiene and read the story 'The Tale of Georgie Grub' the little boy who wouldn't have a bath! The children were delighted to take home a new tooth brush and toothpaste to practise! 

In maths we have been learning how to find 1 more and 1 less of numbers to 5/10/20 using a number line to hop forwards and backwards.

We have begun making some lovely festive arts and crafts that will be brought home as gifts for yourselves.

We have had a student from Loreto college in our class carrying out a work experience placement and the children have been so lovely and have made her feel very welcome. 

Next week we'll continue to rehearse for our Christmas show-you're going to love it heart In maths we'll look at the properties of squares and rectangles and we'll talk about the night and the day time, what we see at these times and what we do. We have nearly completed Level 1 of Floppy's Phonics and will learn the phonemes 'l' and 'll'. We'll begin to learn about Christmas and the things that people do to celebrate in the festive season. 

Have the loveliest weekend everyone and enjoy the photos that follow laugh

