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Reminder - School closes at 3pm Friday 14th February 2025 and will open again on Monday 24th February 2025 at 9am.

Summer 1

Week beginning 17th May 


It was so lovely to have the children back in the classroom this week. They have worked so hard and we have tried to squeeze a lot in in the last few days.


We have been busy practising our division- looking at grouping and sharing methods. Below is a guide to help you as parents understand the different strategies we have been using.


In English we have been enjoying The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch and other stories by the same authors. I have popped on a video of one the stories if you wish to get an insight into these lovely texts. 


In geography we have looked at compass points and began to use grid references. In science we have talked about how to keep healthy, writing about diet, exercise and hygiene. We wrote a guide for Mr Grinling on ways of improving his lifestyle!

The Lighthouse Keeper's Rescue - Give Us A Story!

Mr. Grinling the Lighthouse Keeper is getting on a bit...Now his job might be on the line. But when a whale gets washed up on their beach, cometh the hour, c...

Week beginning 3rd May


This week we have been writing our own stories based on The Storm Whale. We have created story maps and then planned our own narratives by changing certain elements. I was so impressed with the children's writing- we had some amazing stories!


In maths we have been working on multiplication, practising our 5,10,2 times table, with some children moving on to 3s and 4s.


We have been learning about algorithms in computing and we are going to be making our own animations on the app ScratchJr.


Thank you to all those parents that took the time to make and attend parents' evening appointments, and for those that did not Zoom I look forward to speaking to you on the phone over the next two weeks.


I spoke to many of you about the criteria that we use for assessing your child's progress. I have uploaded the statements for the different levels so that you can further support your child at home. If you have any questions please get in touch. 




This week I would like you to practise spelling contractions. These need to be written into your yellow book and put into sentences. These sentences need to include connectives and be your very best handwriting. Perhaps you could include some different punctuation, such as an exclamation mark or ask a question. This work needs to be in no later than Thursday 13th May.


  • it's
  • don't
  • can't
  • shouldn't
  • she'll
  • he'll
  • doesn't
  • it'll
  • you'll

Week beginning 26th April


The children are continuing to enjoy the topic "A Sailor Went to Sea". We have been investigating Victorian seaside holidays this week. The children were very intrigued with the bathing machines and how they were part of the seaside in the past.




We looked at postcards that had been written by different people from the Victorian times to see what they enjoyed doing, and eating!


We have based our writing on Blue Whales this week, and have enjoyed researching this amazing creature. In maths we have been working on subtraction, including giving change from £1.00.




Please find homework set on Education City. Thank you for all the homework that was handed in this week- you really are supporting your child by doing this at home, it helps to consolidate work done in school and increase your child's confidence. 


A little note-


Thank you to all the parents that replied about Parent/s Evening. I hope that I have replied to everyone that has requested a Zoom or phone call, but please get in touch if you have not received your time slot. 


Have a lovely, long weekend and I will see you again on Tuesday! 




Week beginning 19th April


The children have worked so hard this week. We have been working on our addition and subtraction, applying different methods to work out the answers. We have also been working on  one-step word problems. In English we have enjoyed drama(video below) and produced some amazing descriptive writing about the storm from the story "The Storm Whale".


In geography we identified physical and human features in coastal areas around the U.K. and re-capped our knowledge of continents and oceans (see pictures below). In history we looked at seaside photos and paintings from the past, using them to investigate what differences there were compared to now.


We have also been working hard on our handwriting, phonics, reading, quick maths recall and had two P.E, what a week! 




I have uploaded some subtraction word problems for your child to complete. There are 3 different levels, so please choose the one you think your child will be most confident with. If you do not have a printer you can complete this by writing the answers in the yellow books. This should be handed in next Thursday.

A little note- We are on sandwiches next week.smiley


Still image for this video

Week beginning 12th April 2021-Welcome back!


I hope you all managed to have a lovely Easter break. It was lovely to see the children back in school last week. We have a new topic this half-term called - A Sailor Went to Sea, Sea, Sea. 


We have been exploring our new book called "The Storm Whale", exploring the illustrations and predicting what the story is going to be about, and how the characters will develop.


In maths we have been securing our place knowledge. We have been partitioning 2 and 3 digit numbers in different ways.


In the coming weeks we will be identifying human and physical features of the coastline around the U.K. We will also look at how Seasides were in the past and why they are still so popular as a holiday destination. We will be comparing our life in Stretford to that of someone living in a fishing village in Cornwall. We are going to produce work inspired by the artist William Turner, as well as having many other exciting things planned.


A few things you need to know...


  • Homework will resume this week.
  • Library is on a Thursday.
  • We will be on sandwiches next week.
  • Parent Evening requests need to be emailed to me.


A little note...

Can I ask that if you choose to send your child in with birthday treats that they  include sweets that do not contain gelatine. I have been supplementing these treats with my own 'stash' but it is too large a number of children for me to continue to do this. Thank you!




