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Reminder - School closes at 3pm Friday 14th February 2025 and will open again on Monday 24th February 2025 at 9am.

Spring 1

Please see our curriculum update for more detail about our learning this half term. 

Friday 11th February

This week has been Health and Wellbeing Week in school. We have read stories such as Have You Filled a Bucket Today by Carol McCloud and had discussions and activities around being good friends and helping others, and also what to do if somebody else is unkind. We also talked about how we can raise our own self confidence by choosing a goal to work for and to keep practising! We can be whatever we want to be, as long as we try our best!

We demonstrated that we can also share time together as well as toys, and made 'chatterboxes' with a partner. Mr Cartwright also showed us a skill he has worked hard at. We finished the week with Kindness Day, and we did some beautiful writing about someone who is kind to us.

I wanted to include a video of last week's book Journey by Aaron Becker as the children have really enjoyed it and the story captured their imagination. 

We have been practising numbers to 50 in class, here is a game to help consolidate making numbers using tens and ones.

We have collected in the spelling books for over the half term holiday week, so please read your reading books and complete the phonics homework as usual. 

Have a lovely week off and we will see you on Monday 21st February. 

Mrs O'Connell and Mrs Al-Noah xx

Friday 4th February 

Lots of learning again this week in 1C. In maths the children have been focusing on measuring length and height. After using non standard units of measurement ,such as cubes ,they moved on to using rulers to measure in cms. Some children found this a little tricky at first, so any extra practise using rulers or tape measures at home would be really useful. 

We had fun in science, testing materials for boats. The children had to make boats from plasticine, foil and Lego and observe what happened when they were put in water.They noticed how the plasticine had to be moulded with a good hollow in the middle to make it float.I think they enjoyed making the Lego boats the most. There were some impressive designs !

In DT this week we had great fun making paper aeroplanes and testing them to see how far they could fly. 

On Tuesday we learnt about Chinese New Year and had a go at some activities. 

Continuing the theme of journeys, we talked about canals. We looked at how and why canals were built. The children found out how narrow boats were originally pulled by horses and what kind of things were transported. Hopefully they can tell you all about it when you next take a walk along our local canal 😊

See you next week week, for our last week before the half term break,

Mrs Al-Noah and Mrs O’Connell 

Friday 28th January 

The children have enjoyed being meteorologists this week and have been tracking the weather and rainfall. 

1C have also been improving their writing, focusing on our letter formation and reading the book 'Up and Down' by Oliver Jeffers, amongst some of his other books. We have also been working very hard to understand how to use our number bonds to add numbers mentally, our number knowledge to compare numbers, and we have introduced some measuring. 

To support our work on number bonds we have had a game called Robot Addition available on our Ipads. If your child would like to play it at home you can click the link below. 

We would also like to say a HUGE well done to the children for completing their first spelling test (and to their families for helping them to practise). It isn't always an easy task, but we are really proud of their efforts!


I would also like to ask for some more photographs for our seasons wall - please send in a photograph (or a second one if you have already sent one) of your child in any season if you would like them to be on it. Thank you! 

Mrs O'Connell and Mrs Al-Noah xx

Friday 21st January 

This week in school we have been thinking about what materials things are made from. We looked at objects in the classroom to see if they were plastic,metal, fabric or glass. We also talked about where some of these materials come from and if they are natural or manmade. You could ask the children to find things around the house and see if they can say what they are made of.

We have continued to look at flight and compared the first plane invented to modern aeroplanes. The children also really enjoyed watching old footage of people trying to fly with fake bird wings , jumping off tall ladders !

In maths we are developing the use of number bond knowledge to help with addition and subtraction. We have started the “10 club” . The children need  to get a good score in a game called Hit the button- pairing number bonds to 10  to join the club and get a special sticker, If you would like to help them practise , here is a link to the game.

Here are some photographs from our maths lessons, we used our number bond to 10 knowledge to add numbers together. 

We also had fun in basketball this week, terrific pair work 1C!

In Geography and Science, we have been studying the weather recognising the symbols used on weather forecasts and making our own class rainfall gauge to record information about the weather over the next two weeks. If you would like to make your own at home, we’ve put the link below.

The children have now been given their spellings to learn. Please look in the homework section above to see when spellings will be tested and how you can help your child learn them.

Have a lovely weekend everyone,

Mrs Al-Noah said Mrs O’Connell 😊😊

Friday 14th January 2022

What a lovely return to school we have had. The children have come back to school refreshed and have enjoyed being back together. We have also noticed a few missing teeth, how exciting!

For our English work we have tried hard to hear rhyming words, and written our own nonsense poems. We loved reading Where Teachers Keep Their Pets and On the Ning Nang Nong! In Maths we have solved problems involving 2D and 3D shapes, and built models - we also made 3D shapes from playdoh. For our topic work we have talked about the weather, and listened to some of The Four Seasons by the composer Vivaldi. 


Talking of seasons, I would like to create a display in the classroom to show the changes throughout the year. Now what better way to show this to the children than them remembering their own experiences?! If you have a photograph of your child taken during autumn, winter, spring or summer (of any year of their life) and you can clearly see which season it is - i.e. they are outside in the snow, or next to a tree that is changing colour for autumn for example, and you would like to send it in for our classroom display, please email it to Thank you!

We will be sending spelling words to learn towards the end of next week so look out for those, and please check the homework folder above. Have a lovely weekend. 

Mrs O'Connell and Mrs Al-Noah x

Wednesday 5th January 

Happy New Year!

Just a quick reminder it is Thursday tomorrow so come in PE clothes please. laughX
