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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.


For this term we are continuing to use our spellings homework to consolidate our phonics learning. You may notice that once your child has learnt all the spellings for the ‘helpful words’ (part of the Floppy’s phonics scheme) they will now have groups of spellings containing the same sound. The children are all at different stages with their spellings so please don’t worry if your child’s spellings are the not the same as someone else’s!


We send home the spelling list to learn in their red books on Tuesdays. The children will have one week to learn the spellings for a test the following Tuesday. Please keep the red book in their reading folder. There is also a practise sheet to help with learning the spellings (that lasts for two weeks). There is a copy below if it gets lost.


Also on Tuesdays, your child brings home their new reading books and a maths homework sheet that consolidates work completed in class. The maths homework will be a mixture of practical games or written work. Any written work should be completed in pencil and returned to school for the following Tuesday.


The phonic reading books give the children an opportunity to practise their reading skills. The books can be read multiple times during the week giving the children the chance to build up their confidence when reading independently. We ask that each child aims to read at home to an adult every day for around ten minutes and that the adult writes in their yellow reading record book when they have done so.


Thank you for your continuing support,

Mrs O'Connell and Miss Ryde
