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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.

Home Learning

Hi there everyone,


Well I wasn't expecting to start Monday morning like this! I know the news is not want we wanted to hear and I was looking forward to seeing you all today. We will keep in touch with any updates that we have so that you know what the week is going to look like. Now I know that many of you will be feeling a bit wobbly and probably not ready do to some work, but if you could give the activities below a try I will be super proud of you. We are tough cookies in 2D and super-learners! We can do this!


Today I would like you to complete the activities set on Education City that I have assigned for you. I know we were doing so well with our reading and I don't want you to stop doing that so I have issued books on Epic for you to read. Everyone should have a library book and reading books from last week, which I would like you to read or re-read. When you have read your book I would like you to do a book review. I have uploaded the template below. Think about what you like or dislike about the story? Perhaps it could be another book that you have in your home that you would like to review.

Fun challenge


I would like you to draw a sea creature but... you have to do it blindfolded! Keep your creations so that I can see them and maybe have a little giggle at them!




You might want to have a go at this Draw with Rob session, where he creates a narwhal.



#DrawWithRob 62 Narwhal

✏️ARE YOU READY TO DRAW? Here's another #DrawWithRob film for you to watch with your little/big ones. Today we are drawing a narwhal. All you need is a piece...
